[哈利波特的读后感]我的感想:一个瘦弱、带着眼镜的黑发小巫师,手持一根魔棒,把你带入那“梦幻般的魔法世界”里。他就是我们的小巫师—“哈利波特”! 在《哈利波特》这本书中,作者把我们想不到、做...+阅读
你知道一个小女孩的梦多么荒诞离奇吗?一个无聊的午后,一只揣着怀表的兔子就带着这个可爱的小女孩开始了她的奇幻之旅。这个小女孩是谁呢?她就是《爱丽丝漫游奇境记》中的主人公——爱丽丝。 第一次读《爱丽丝漫游奇境记》之后,我有一种特别新鲜的感觉。爱丽丝的梦稀奇古怪、荒诞有趣,充满了各种奇特的幻想:能够变大变小的身子,能组成王国的扑克牌,能穿入的镜子世界,使人忘记名字的小树林等等。
这一切就像是我们小孩的一个五彩梦,深深地吸引着我们,也让我们展开想象的翅膀,过足了瘾头。就像我常常这样幻想:我是一个可爱精灵,整天在宇宙上观察着美丽的地球。那是多么美妙的感觉啊!我对《爱丽丝漫游奇境记》中的公爵夫人的厨房印象很深。尤其是爱丽丝和青蛙仆人的对话,让我觉得十分发笑。 再次读《爱丽丝漫游奇境记》这个故事,我又发现爱丽丝是个十分可爱的小女孩。
她天真活泼,充满好奇心;她还有一颗同情心,懂得明辨是非。在爱丽丝身上,可以看到我们少年儿童纯真的天性。 因为整个故事充满了幻想,而主人公又是那么的可爱,纯真,它多么贴近我们儿童的生活啊,所以我想不光是我喜欢这本书,相信其他小伙伴肯定也会喜欢的。 据说1865年出版的《爱丽丝漫游奇境记》和1871年出版的《爱丽丝镜中奇遇记》一起风靡了整个世界,成为继莎士比亚之后被翻译成各种文字最多的英国作品。
这一切是这部童话故事在历经一百多年后依然在儿童文学中绽放异彩的原因。而那个善良可爱的小主人公更是其中的一颗明珠。她也许并不是很聪明,但是她有一颗纯净的爱心,对一只小鹅都彬彬有礼。加上她那双明亮的眼睛,一个生动的女孩形象跃然纸上。 我相信在将来的一百年后,这部书依然会畅销全世界 For the first time after reading "Alice's adventures in wonderland", I have a special feeling fresh.Alice's dream strange, absurd interesting, filled with all kinds of strange fantasy: can become the body of large to small, can form a kingdom of CARDS, can penetrate the mirror world, make people forget the name of the woods and so on.All this is like our children a colorful dream, deeply attract us, also let us the wings of imagination, enough addiction.Like I always have this fantasy: I am a lovely elf, all day watching the beauty of the earth in the universe.That is what a wonderful feeling!I am in "Alice's adventures in wonderland" the duchess's kitchen is very impressive.In particular a dialogue on Alice and frogs servant, made me feel very laugh.Read again the story Alice's adventures in wonderland, and I found that Alice is a very cute little girl.She is naive and lively, full of curiosity;She also has a sympathy, know right from wrong.To Alice, you can see our children pure nature.Because the whole story is full of fantasy, and the hero is so cute and innocent, how close to our children's lives, so I don't think I like this book alone, sure other friend will like it.Published in 1865, is said to have "Alice's adventures in wonderland" and published in 1871, "Alice in the mirror adventure, popular in the whole world together, be translated into all kinds of words after Shakespeare, the most English works.All of this is the fairy tale story after more than one hundred years later still in children's literature in blossom extraordinary splendour.And that kind of cute little hero is a pearl.She may not be very clever, but she has a pure love, to a gosling are polite.With her bright eyes, a vivid girl image from the page.I believe in the future one hundred years later, this book will still sell well all over the world
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