As the saying goes: \"Hunger breeds discontent.\" Today\'s society, many of the hotel where they stand, rush from a variety of cuisine, in Fujian, Sichuan, Guangdong, Shandong ...... dishes outside of Italy, French, Japanese cuisine, Korean food and so on. We all know that health is to do anything for money, health is closely connected with the food. Today, we take a look at the food on the table now. Food is divided into many kinds of vegetables and fruit, beans, meat, cereals, dairy categories, such as fat. Combination of these categories into a food pyramid, all affect our health. Therefore, in order to achieve a reasonable meals with more vegetables, fruits, less meat, fat category. Cereals-based food, may be an appropriate increase in beans, dairy products category, and we have to remember that eating only eight full meals, not being choosy food anorexia, can not be overeating, eating clean food is most important. In food, contain a people\'s health play an important role in the elements - vitamins. Vitamins are divided into A, B, C, D. Different vitamins have different functions. Vitamin A is usually in red, black, more food, such as carrots, black beans and so on. Its main function is to protect the eyes, can be used to protect their eyesight, the treatment of night blindness and other evidence of vitamin C in fruits and vegetables often, it is conducive to the treatment of scurvy, skin diseases. The discovery also has a story: a ship adrift at sea for several days, ma
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