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中文和英文各一篇,希望对楼主有帮助. 夏洛特的网》这本书主要讲了弗恩把威尔伯送给朱克曼一家,后来威尔伯在猪圈里交了夏洛特这个朋友,威尔伯每天去看望它、安慰它、照顾它、理解它。慢慢地它们成为了无话不说的朋友。后来夏洛特死了,威尔伯把它的孩子们像自己的孩子一样爱着它们。读了这本书以后我觉得对待别人要像对待自己的亲人一样。

要付出爱心,让世界充满爱! 所有的故事围绕着拯救一头善良可爱的猪开始了,一个人后来是一群人,一群动物,夏洛特无疑是伟大的,她冷漠,骄傲,按照自然规律吃掉自己的丈夫来生育繁衍,没有人理解,没有朋友,人们误解她,拒绝接受她,但人们之间又是一种什么样的关系,当小猪文他们你们是朋友吗?鸭子夫妇说,当然,我们这一辈子一直生活在一起,小猪回答说,我不认为在一起生活就等同是朋友。


这个故事我想到了:做人要诚实,许下的诺言要实现! Impressions after reading Charlotte's Web Charlotte's Web is a wonderful and entertaining book, which written by E B.White. It mainly talks about the friendship between a spring pig and a spider. A spring pig, just a simple pig wants to see the winter snow. But it should be killed at the Christmas dinner. The pig lived in the farm, where also lived many other kinds of animals, such as horses, cows, geese, a rat and a spider. And who is Charlotte ? It is the spider. At first, when the little pig came into the house, other animals didn't like him, except a spider. She asked him be quiet so that she could work hard at night, and she would like to make friends with the pig. It made the pig so happy that he had a nice sleep. And then they became good friends. The pig told the spider that his dream, then the spider promised that she would help him to make his dream come true. In the way she made some miracles to make people know the pig cannot be killed. At last, the pig saw the winter snow but the spider died. However, the pig knew the spider was always living nearby him. The spider said that she wasn't the maker of those miracles but the pig was, because of the friendship, the great friendship. It is so moving. So remember we also can make miracles as long as we make more friendship with others. Let's make the world more friendly, more harmoniously. How to make friends with others? What should we do about it? I think the spider, Charlotte , has given us a good example. In order to stop the pig, who named Wilbur, from being killed at Christmas dinner, Charlotte has the idea of writing words in her web extolling Wilbur's excellence, such as “some pig”. Thanks to Charlotte 's efforts, Wilbur not only lives, but also goes to the county fair with Charlotte and wins a prize. Charlotte 's action holds the point of view that it is widely accepted that helping others and doing others good should be encouraged. That means it is a great pleasure to do others a favor when they are in trouble. I can't agree more with the spider's action, because I felt pleased and satisfied at heart every time when I managed to help others. Sometimes anyone in society may get stuck and need assistance, and at this time people around shouldn't be mean to do them a favor. As a consequence, to construct a harmonious society, the demand of the spirit of helping others is restless. As long as we put our heart to help others, we will make more friends with others. Only in this way can we make a harmonious society.


夏洛特的网观后感——题记 在小女孩朱克曼家的谷仓里,生活着小猪威尔伯和许多的动物朋友们。但是威尔伯却注定要变成圣诞节的一道火腿大餐,当它悲痛而绝望《夏洛特的网》观后感地接受了这个现...

夏洛特的网读后感星期天,我和妈妈一起读了美国作家E.B怀特写的《夏洛的网》,这是一篇感人至深的小说。文中写了小猪威尔伯和蜘蛛夏洛的真挚友谊。 威尔伯是一只幸运的小猪。虽然一出生就因为是...


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