[蚁人作文观后感]蚁人作文观后感 1 也许看过《复仇者联盟》这一系列电影或漫画的同学们知道,蚁人是什么。没错,蚁人是复仇者联盟中的一员,但我看电影时,复仇者联盟只露了一面,是因为蚁人去复仇者...+阅读
毫不夸张地说,《蚁人》不仅仅是开画票房倒数第二的漫威宇宙漫改大片,也是质量最差的漫威宇宙毫不夸张地说,《蚁人》不仅仅是开画票房倒数第二的漫威宇宙漫改大片,也是质量最差的漫威宇宙漫改大片。 今年《复仇者联盟2》不及预期的票房收入,就能够说明一定问题了。漫威在整个系列品牌上毫不退让的强硬态度,令到从导演到演员都丧失了一定的自主权,这种态势的出现,从《钢铁侠2》和《雷神》开始就已经显露出来,而到了《雷神2》《复仇者联盟2》这里,变得更加明显。 《蚁人》是审美疲劳的第一个牺牲品,下一个也不会太远。 为什么《银河护卫队》更好看更有趣?因为《银河护卫队》的故事是游离在主线之外的,不需要有铺垫,不受其他电影和电视剧的内容牵扯,也不受名气所累。
詹姆斯古恩无非是把本就有的怪咖气质揉了进去而已,就显示出了非同寻常的魅力。 而小鸡影视剧拍了不老少的佩顿里德,显然没有这个能力。 《蚁人》的成本不高,演员也都是二线打底外加过气老头,然而基准低不代表成品就很糟糕。《银河护卫队》也是一帮二线,照样玩得转。投资仅为其一半的《捉妖记》质量如何,很多人都看过了。而《蚁人》的糟糕表现,连捉妖记的水准都达不到。 《蚁人》的剧本是喜剧圈鼓捣出来的,亚当麦凯是圈内著名制片人和导演,然而作品水准参差不齐,近作《谭米》和《欢迎来到我的世界》可以说糟烂出了一定境界。另一编剧是主演保罗路德,并没有独立参与编剧活动的经验。即使有埃德加赖特的打底,也无济于事。 然而,《蚁人》在剧情设定上不仅有些反漫威,而且有些反爆米花电影。
而且这种“反”,还不是好的那一种。 《蚁人》的第一个高潮,出现在半小时之后。 不知道是怎样的人作出的决定,认为等着看“孤胆蚁侠大战群英”的观众,会在看了半小时白开水一样的毫无亮点的家长里短之后,会兴冲冲地看到,预告片中的镜头出现了。 然后接着又是20分钟的漫长铺垫。 要知道,爆米花电影里有一条不成文的铁律:如果一部大制作电影不能在5分钟内抓住观众眼球的话,那就很危险了。 而《蚁人》几乎将这个时间乘以10。 然后才是50分钟既令人兴奋而又激动的动作大戏,一气呵成亮点多多,绝对值得观众期待。 然而这一幕的到来实在是太晚了。电影在时长上几乎是赤裸裸的对半开:前半几无高潮,完全应该大刀阔斧砍到半小时以内;而后半又是一个极其有趣超大高潮。
整体来看,完全不是正常爆米花电影该有的路数。当然,全CGI的动作戏,相信跟导演和编剧的接盘工作也没啥太大关系了。 需要肯定的是,CGI的变大变小妙趣横生,许多设计更是凸显了埃德加赖特的恶趣味遗风。但这样一部电影,不能仅靠着偶尔的笑点就指望能让观众在前半小时老老实实坐下来。 总的来说,《蚁人》真的没有任何野心和想法,也没有任何能量。仅仅不甘心流于表面是不够的,而最后,也只能是流于表面了。这部电影里看不到任何冒险,看不到任何阴谋,甚至连一丁点的神秘感和悬念都懒得设置:迈克尔道格拉斯的角色仿佛生怕观众看不明白这个单调的故事讲了个啥,提前把整个情节剧透了个一干二净。 没有任何创新的《蚁人》,很难说有多少精气神和灵魂在里面。
从结果上来看,只有一堆单调的、模式化的纸片人。 孤胆蚁侠的乏味无力,是漫威自己一手造成的。 然而《蚁人》的质量如何,漫威并不在乎。《蚁人》只是漫威更大的野心里的一个齿轮而已;而无论是撒手不干了的埃德加赖特、乔恩费儒、乔斯韦登,还是如日中天的安东尼罗素、乔罗素两兄弟(我有他们二人的签名海报),都仅仅是齿轮上的齿而已。 保罗路德和克里斯帕拉特相近而不同,作为烂仔帮长期以来的核心成员,他的银幕形象还是相对固定的。我从2010年的《笨人晚宴》开始关注保罗路德,其实他的喜感相当强,《蚁人》中也有部分镜头能展现属于他的喜剧魅力,然而在更多的时间里,佩顿里德并没有捕捉这种魅力的能力。 按照前半部分的观感来说,《蚁人》完全可以低一个档次;然而后半部分堪称漫威电影中最精彩的设计,又实在让人难以放弃。
但无论如何,又是一部漫威电影。看完了就是看完了,等下一个继续吧。漫改大片。 今年《复仇者联盟2》不及预期的票房收入,就能够说明一定问题了。漫威在整个系列品牌上毫不退让的强硬态度,令到从导演到演员都丧失了一定的自主权,这种态势的出现,从《钢铁侠2》和《雷神》开始就已经显露出来,而到了《雷神2》《复仇者联盟2》这里,变得更加明显。 《蚁人》是审美疲劳的第一个牺牲品,下一个也不会太远。 为什么《银河护卫队》更好看更有趣?因为《银河护卫队》的故事是游离在主线之外的,不需要有铺垫,不受其他电影和电视剧的内容牵扯,也不受名气所累。詹姆斯古恩无非是把本就有的怪咖气质揉了进去而已,就显示出了非同寻常的魅力 而小鸡影视剧拍了不老少的佩顿里德,显然没有这个能力。
速度与激情6影评This movie started off really well, however, it was set off course after the action started. I have to warn those that watched the trailers on television, because they spoiled every exciting scene from the movie. I would not consider myself an avid fan, but I have followed the series ever since the first movie and I would be the first one to tell you that this movie is a major disappointment. After Tokyo drift, the director relied heavily on action and random fillers to please the audience while leaving the fans frustrated and confused. And since when did the acronym "F&F" turn from fast and furious to fast and fighting? This series has started it's roots from racing and formed into another predictable action movie.Now, to the ridiculous part of the review. The last scene with the cargo jet is beyond unrealistic. This scene was around 15 minutes long and I would like to point out that the take-off speed of a vast jet like that is around 150-200 mph (not to mention they had to increase speed in order to take-off due to the added weight). The runway must been around 50 miles long because they were on there for literally 15 minutes traveling at an average speed of 150mph+. And don't even get me started with the whole Gisele dying scene. The director got rid of her faster than all those V-8 powered engines put together!I pointed out a bit of information what the reviewer "carl-walster" missed. He did an amazing job to point out how really ridiculous the movie really was. I have a great imagination, but this movie was too difficult to comprehend. And how could some of these other reviewers say this was the best of fast and furious? That's blasphemous!
哈利波特观后感 Harry Potter is a series of seven fantasy novels written by British author J. K. Rowling. The books chronicle the adventures of the eponymous adolescent wizard Harry Potter, together with Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, his best friends. The central story arc concerns Harry's struggle against the evil wizard Lord Voldemort, who killed Harry's parents in his quest to conquer the wizarding world, after which he seeks to subjugate the Muggle (non-magical) world to his rule. 后天观后感 Today, we watched a movie, the name of this movie was called:The day after tomorrow.What this movie speaks BE:A world happened to become cold affairs in the world,What to broadcast it is an etc. the region temperature nasty play in New York to descend in the movie, is almost each to descend more than ten degree.The sky still descends terrible hail, also having more afraid of of Tornado, city in New York became to break city for an instant after being cut through by tornado, making the whole city become more without results one. This really lets the person touch eyes shocking, make the person's heart can't fall calm once in a very long while, although exaggerate very in the movie, but we now not just so:world become warm...So ask the classmates to rise from the do-it-yourself, environmental protection, make our environments more beautiful!
Jake begins to see that nature and the planet should be protected, played by Zoe Saldana!加油Avatar is directed by James Cameron, he comes across Neytiri and they fall in love with each other. 仅做参考吧. However. The message of the film is simple — human beings should protect nature and live in harmony with it. Jake is sent there to control his Avatar. 3D technology and the beautiful natural scenery are the two highlights of the film. At last he and the people there work together to defeat human beings and send them back to the earth. Clones named Avatars are sent to Pandora Planet to persuade people there to leave the planet so that human beings can exploit a rare mineral, and Neytiri, played by Sam Worthington. The two main characters are Jake Sully
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