[灿烂千阳读后感用英语写的 300 400字左右]Brilliant" regionalization of feel(《灿烂千阳》读后感)ing after reading (《灿烂千阳》读后感) I'm unable to realize in the past time had a similarly gloomy winter, Ma...+阅读
Last week, I saw a large area of the United States of America, known as the "iron man".The actors in this movie is cool, have a smart brain, is a scientific genius, he has his own brain created a mechanical armor, armor can make him increased strength, also can make him fly.He was the terrorist use of this armor, do so much good stuff.At last his country from danger.关于钢铁侠的,,我读着吧。。没有语病额。。...
急!求 2012这部电影的英文观后感!大学水平的
After i saw the movie 2012 i was shocked by destructive scenes presented in the movie.Will the end of the world truly coming in the future? I think it is the very time we should review the affects the human activities imposed on this planet.News about natural disasters (such as earthquake,tunami,hurricane,tornado,drought,storm etc) can be heard nearly everyday in recent years.All those deviant changes are possibly the aftermath of the climate change.Because of the consuming of large amount of coal,gas and oil, the earth has become warmer and warmer.So it is better for us to research new kind of energy resources which are low carbon....
求关于POLLUTION的英文作文 800字
Nowadays, environment pollution has become a matter of great concern in our society. As is shown in the first picture, the production of industry increased dramatically with large quantity of waste gas and polluted water emitted at the same time. This results in the serious environmental pollution directly. People who want to make great profit ignored their duty to protect both the air everybody breathes and the water everybody drinks. The second picture gives another selection of making profit without any destroy on the surroundings. For the same goal to make profit, these two methods to develop industry contrast dramatically. It is necessary to find an effective solution as to how this environment pollution can be controlled. On the one hand, proper policies concerning prohibiting the gas and wastewater exhausting should be made. On the other hand, modern machinery that can reduce the consumption of energy should be put into use. There are still many methods to control environment pollution in fact. But it should be noted that the effort of the government and the consciousness of the manufacture is most important. Any possible pollution should distinguish at the beginning of production and clean production should be encouraged greatly.
100字英文电影观后感用英语刮痧 It's about assimilation into American culture, and not assimilation in an ”International” city, like SF or NY or LA or Chicago, but St. Louis, MO (actual...
可口可乐小子观后感300字用英语写---------------------------------------英文---------------------------------When the "Coca-Cola boy" broadcast last title, my mind for a long time fixed in such a...
求用英语写的观后感!是外国动画片(唉,我自己来写吧) 这是迪斯尼公司上世纪的经典之作,但感动了整整一代人,狮子王打败它叔叔不仅是为了为父报仇,还是为了整个森林的安全。有的人从中学到了团结,有的人学到了坚持的...
电影暖春观后感500字自己写的含泪看完《暖春》,激动的心情久久难以平静 我们尊重生命,生命有时像钢铁般坚强,有时却又如蝼蚁般脆弱。一个不经意的行为却能改变一条鲜活生命的命运。 影片讲述的是一个真切感...
杰克伦敦写的白牙读后感中文在暑假里,我读了一本好书,书的名字叫《白牙》。 这本书的主人公白牙是一只善良、勇敢、可爱的混血狼,因为它身体里既有狗的血又有狼的血。白牙很小的时候父亲就死了,不久母亲也...
电影观后感400字家长写的《国王的演讲》 影片的故事情节非常简单,取材于真实的历史事件。英国国王乔治六世从小患有严重的口吃,最后,在莱昂纳尔的治疗下,终于克服口齿,发表了振奋人心的演讲。这个简单朴...
求外国名著英文读后感要包括故事情节和感受。用英文写的哦Oliver Twist, one of the most famous works of Charles Dickens', is a novel reflecting the tragic fact of the life in Britain in 18th century. The author who him...
求一篇用英语写的名著读后感哈姆雷特读后感 Shakspere (wrong spelling) created Hamlet--a man with wisdom and courage .In order to revenge on his uncle for killing his father, he pretented (...
灿烂千阳读后感用英语写的 300灿烂千阳读后感用英语写的 300,灿烂千阳经典语句:Brilliant" regionalization of feel(《灿烂千阳》读后感)ing after reading (《灿烂千阳》读后感) I'm unable to realize in the...