

04月05日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[光荣之路英文影评]Paths of Glory, a 1957 film by Stanley Kubrick, combines many of my favorite aspects of film. I love both courtroom dramas and war movies, and Paths of Glory co...+阅读


Jane Eyre is a first-person narrative of the formative years of the title character, a small, plain-faced, intelligent, and passionate English orphan girl. The plot follows the form of a Bildungsroman, a novel that tells the story of a child's maturation and focuses on the emotions and experiences that lead to his or her maturity. The novel goes through five distinct stages:

(1) Jane's childhood at Gateshead, where she is abused by her aunt and cousins;

(2) her education at Lowood School, where she acquires friends and role models but also suffers privations;

(3) her time as governess at Thornfield Manor, where she falls in love with her Byronic employer, Edward Rochester;

(4) her time with the Rivers family at Marsh's End (or Moor House) and at Morton, where her cold clergyman-cousin St. John Rivers proposes to her; and

(5) her reunion with and marriage to her beloved Rochester at his house of Ferndean. Partly autobiographical, the novel abounds with social criticism and sinister Gothic elements. Jane Eyre is divided into 38 chapters, and most editions are at least 400 pages long


简.爱 《简.爱》是一部带有自转色彩的长篇小说,作者夏洛蒂·勃朗特用生动的笔墨描绘出了一个出身低微、相貌平平的女子与不公平的命运抗争的故事,以一种不可抗拒的美感吸引了成千上万的读者,阐释了人的价值=尊严+爱这样一个永恒的主题。 简.爱是一个对爱情、生活、社会、以及宗教都采取独立自主,积极进取的态度并敢于斗争,敢于争取自由平等地位的女性形象。自幼父母双亡的孤女简.爱从小受到她舅母以及其子女们的虐待。在冷酷而艰苦的慈善学校中逐渐成长为一个勇敢、刚强的少女。踏入社会的她尝到了爱的滋味而突然遭到惊人的变故,在经历出走、流浪乃至乞讨的生活后终于和她一直深深爱恋着的男主人结合而最终获得了幸福。 在这篇文章中,最令我敬佩的人就是简了,儿时的虐待对于她来说,只能更加鼓舞她自立自强,使她树立起更远大的目标。

经过她不懈的努力、奋斗和拼搏,她终于获得了自己的幸福与爱情。在我们看来的悲惨生活,冷落与歧视,只能使她更加热爱生活,更加充满信心,去面对生活中的种种挑战。面对这现实残酷的生活,简没有丝毫的畏惧。因为在她的心中,永远有一个信念:生活对我总会有阳光普照的时候。简·爱,她“贫穷,低微,矮小”,但她拥有的一颗智慧、坚强、勇敢的心灵,使那些外在的美在这内在美面前都会黯然失色。 简.爱从来没有向命运屈服过,她从没有因为家庭的不幸而感到绝望自卑,没有应为命运的不公而唉声叹气,而是坚强的去改变自己的不幸。但在我们的现实生活中,有许多人遇到了挫折只会抱怨命运的不公,总是说命运生来就已经注定了。难道真的一出生就有不可改变的命运了吗?难道一生下来就已经决定了自己一生了吗?其实不是这样的,只要我们遇到困难和挫折时勇于反抗,不轻易屈服,就可以用自己的力量改变命运。

我们之所以不应该屈服于命运,是因为命运就掌握在自己的手中,只有用我们的汗水才能创造自己的命运,改变自己的命运。在生活中有成就的人都是那些敢于面对现实,不屈服于命运,锲而不舍的人。人的一生总不会一帆风顺,拥有怎样的人生,要看我们如何去面对。即使前进过程有可能是苦涩的,但只要你不放弃希望,就一定会收获幸福的阳光。 简.爱让我明白:不要轻易向命运低头,无论遇到什么都要坚强的去面对。阴雨密布的天气终会过去,阳光普照的生活一定就在我们前方的不远处。...


A thoroughly engaging adaption of the brooding classic, this film rises above the turgid tone often imposed on other classics brought to the screen. Joan Fontaine turns in a brilliantly deceptively understated performance, and Orson Welles restrains from the scenery chewing that marred some of his own projects; there is surprising chemistry between them. At times, Welles is a downright "sexy" leading man! The script (credited to John Houseman and Aldous Huxley) captures the right "tone" of Victorian cruelty and repression.

Under Robert Stevenson's direction Fontaine/Welles seem to capture the essence of two abused outsiders resisting their attraction for one another, trying to adhere to convention. A strong supporting cast. There are brief though memorable appearances by Agnes Moorehead, Elizabeth Taylor and Peggy Ann Garner as "young" Jane.

George Barnes' camera captures appropriately stark images of Ross Dowd and Thomas Little's sets. Charlotte Bronte's grim novel is well suited to the excellent B/W, cinematography: a memorable scene early in the film has young Jane being punished by being forced to stand on a stool that is nearly in the center of a fan of shadows cast by the stair railing, It is almost reminiscent of expressionist German films of the Weimar years.

The film manages to entertain as well as inform. Purists may object to the last 3 lines of the film which hint at a slightly happier denouement than the book offered. In spite of that, Jane Eyre is still a nearly flawless film.


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