

04月08日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[魂断蓝桥观后感]魂断蓝桥观后感 (一) 《魂断蓝桥》这部片的封面写着“影史上三大爱情悲剧之一”。看了这部片子后,才能深深体会以上这段文字所要表达的意思,作为这部片子的广告词可说是当之无愧...+阅读

谁能帮我写一篇魂断蓝桥英文观后感 100字左右的

Watched the film "Waterloo Bridge", a look and it is deeply sad. Movie plot is simple, but there is a poignant and moving force. Although the black and white screen, but the actors performing great accuracy, the handling of the scene and the screen was clear and aesthetic, so that the effect of gift to the tragedy of black and white colors and classic taste. More than half a century ago the old movies, but in order to win praise from generation to generation classic.










魂断蓝桥 我最近看了些外国电影,心里有不少感想,这篇文章便是为《魂断蓝桥》而写的,作为观后感记录下来。 这是一部非常有名的美国电影,讲述了一个将军与芭蕾舞女的爱情故事。两个人因为空袭而相遇,在防空洞里算是相识了,之后是去看女孩表演,以及之后的很多小事情,让两人掉入了爱河。后来两人打算结婚,却因为战争被迫分开,女孩也因为违背老板娘的禁令,私自去送别情郎而遭解雇,失去了相对安逸的生活。后来将军的在母亲在儿子的嘱托下见了女孩,却一个意外让女孩以为最近的情人逝世了,顿时精神崩溃,表现极其糟糕,将军的母亲愤然离去,而女孩的生活从此改变,到了最后的沦落风尘。但是事情并未由此结束,女孩后来常去火车站接客,意外遇见了将军,两人感情依然深厚,但却因为女孩那段不堪的往事,让女孩绝望到了极点,这是一种极深的愧疚。

或许是对爱情的极度渴望吧?女孩尝试忘掉从前,和将军一起过新的生活,那是她盼望已久的生活啊,她不想轻易放弃。一切都是那么顺利,女孩得到了所有人的欢心,可就在一切都朝着让人喜庆的方向发展的时候,女孩最终选择了离开,当将军找到她时,她撞死在两人最初相遇的蓝桥之上,故事得以结束。 这部电影让我深受感动,如果你也认真看过的话,我相信你的感受会与我相同,甚至更为强烈。我简略说说自己的感受,算是对这份挚爱的赞许和羡慕吧,两人虽未结果,却有着持久的感人力量,以及散发出的悲剧之美。女孩是纯真的,极其优秀的,这在舞台上下都看得出来,但是因为种种原因沦落红尘,这是当时社会的印记和残酷。将军手里时常拿着一个长棍,不停地打来打去,这也让我印象深刻,极其优秀的一个小伙,以及后来的举动,让我很是钦佩。

两人真可谓的天作之合,却未得善果,这与社会关系颇大,社会的传统思想是其致命杀手。女孩实在是太爱对方了,她是多么渴望幸福啊,但是她已沦落红尘,已是不洁之身,配不上自己的情郎了,这是社会告诉她的,无法接受这个现实,所以选择了死亡,为爱献了身,其实哪里知道,对方根本就不会在乎这些呢,所以社会观念才是幕后的谋杀者,当然这一死多少让女孩的形象高大了不少,算是一个补偿吧。影片中时常响起的那段哀婉凄美的音乐,也成了绝对的经典。 先说这么多了,这是一部绝对的经典好片,可以说的还有很多,但是只有你自己去体会,才会有更为深刻的印象,而她于我的意义,在于给我打开了一扇新的窗,给我开了一个新的广阔的世界。...


Waterloo Bridge (1940) - full review! Directed by Mervyn LeRoy, based on Robert Sherwood's play, with a screenplay by S.N. Behrman, Hans Rameau, and George Froeschel, this classic, tear-jerking wartime love story, starring Robert Taylor and Vivien Leigh (reportedly her favorite), was Oscar nominated for its B&W Cinematography and Original Musical Score. Leigh plays a melancholy dancer, Myra, who meets soldier Roy Cronin (Taylor) during an air raid in World War I London, just before he's to be shipped off to the front. Given a 48 hour leave, the carefree & romantic Roy, captivated by her beauty, sweeps Myra off her feet until she too (for the first time in her life?) is optimistic about their future. He receives permission from his uncle the Duke ( C. Aubrey Smith) to marry her. Unfortunately, per some red tape, they are unable to wed before Roy must leave for France. Myra attempts to return to the ballet, but her stern taskmaster (Maria Ouspenskaya) refuses to accept her back into the company, and fires fellow dancer Kitty (Virginia Field) for her outburst in support of her friend. Myra and Kitty take an apartment together where they struggle to make ends meet until Roy's mother, Lady Margaret (Lucile Watson), who had been working with the Red Cross, is able to come for a visit. Just before this meeting, however, Myra reads Roy's name on a casualty list in the newspaper. Stunned and in shock, Myra is unable to make a good impression on her would-be future mother-in-law (why wouldn't she share with her what she'd just read?!). After being consoled by the restaurant's hostess (Norma Varden, uncredited), Myra returns to Kitty who supports her financially during her depression by the only way a girl who can't find a job otherwise can. Soon, Myra comes out of her funk and realizes that Kitty has been selling herself to soldiers on leave. Naturally, she then joins this oldest profession herself. Tom Conway is the uncredited voice one hears as her first client. Later, as Myra is "greeting" the latest batch of soldiers arriving from the front at the train station, she sees Roy. Apparently, there was a reporting error made when he'd lost his dog tags. Ignorant of what's transpired in her life, Roy is thrilled to see Myra and figures they'll just pick up where they left off. Promising never to leave her again, Roy insists on taking Myra to their country estate, to more properly introduce her to his family and friends. Though Myra struggles with what to tell Roy of her recent past, she also sees an opportunity to finally "make it" and promises Kitty, before she leaves, to set her up well when she returns. Though things do not go smoothly initially at the Cronin estate for Myra; some of the local families had hoped Roy would marry one of their daughters and are not very accepting of the newcomer from outside their caste. However, with help from Lady Margaret, who'd given her another chance per Roy's obvious love for Myra (and vice versa) and the Duke, who insists on a showy dance with her, Myra is accepted. It is at this point that Myra's conscience gets the best of her and she comes clean to Lady Margaret, whom she asks never to tell Roy. Myra then departs early the next morning, leaving Roy clueless. *** SPOILERS *** Of course, Roy must find out what happened to the love of his life. He returns to London where he finds Kitty. Convinced of his love for Myra, Kitty reveals the truth of Myra's nightlife to Roy by taking him on a search for her through one seedy bar after another. Meanwhile, Myra is on Waterloo Bridge, where she's seen giving up; she walks rapidly past several troop trucks as they drive by before she throws herself under the wheels of one of them. The film ends with (now) Colonel Roy, many years later at the beginning of World War II, fingering the good luck charm Myra had once given him.


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