[机器人总动员观后感]机器人总动员观后感 (一) 看过这部影片感触很多,其中给我的最大震撼是刚开始的画面,地球的表面被垃圾所覆盖一座又一座的垃圾堆成的小山,画面昏黄,狂风肆虐,这就是未来的地球吗?我不...+阅读
动物总动员观后感 昨天下午,我和我爸爸去第一八佰伴新世纪影城看电影,是三维的,名字叫做《动物总动员》。 故事讲述的是一群动物找水喝,引发此故事的是一只猫鼬,他要为他的儿子找水喝,他出发前对他儿子说他要打败犀牛赶走野牛,可是到头来他灌进水壶里的全是沙子,还被犀牛和野牛追。所以被自己的儿子鄙视了,决定要第二次找水,他的好朋友狮子告诉他如果他沿着河床走会走到死亡之谷,狮子自己去过死亡之谷。猫鼬在死亡之谷认识了许多找水的小动物,他们召集了草原上所有的动物,知道了为什么会没有水,原来是人们建了水坝,还认识了桃桃(一只猴子)和一个小男孩,经过动物们和在死亡之谷杀死狮子的弟弟的猎人的拼搏,终于弄垮了水坝。 看了这部电影我懂得了要保护环境,保护动物们。
Animal general mobilization.Yesterday I watched a movie named" animal general mobilization" movie, be full of excitement. There is always something to say.The movie mainly in the African savanna, human beings in order to build the so-called" the sustainable development of the ecological system and the interception of Africa" flood waters, so that the downstream animals on the verge of death, and to embark on a search for water road, in the process of looking for water, they have overcome many hardships and dangers from human in the film, finally defeated the cruel man. The downstream in the natural environment becomes full of vitality.Watched this movie, I can not help but think of the real life of human actions. Indeed, one is used as a biological tree the higher animal exists, but the earth does not belong to human, also belong to the earth in a wide variety of organisms, human can only belong to biological networks in a line. Someone drew a cartoon -- painting is holding a gun hidden in biological Domino finally, grinning deflect the first domino, know where his crowning calamity will come. Living things are interdependent, humans are no exception. Leave all kinds of plants and animals, humans will be extinct.In twenty-first Century, the consumption of water more. But people did not awaken, return of the prodigal son. But more unrestrained take from nature. Resulting in a movie in downstream animals hungry and thirsty. Wake up now! Don't let the last drop of water is the tears of regret! If we go on like this, will reap what one has sown.I sincerely hope: twenty-first Century will be a time of an idyllic scene, one of the joys of spring time. A person and the nature harmonious coexistence of the times.
The African savanna in a group of hungry African wildlife. But a full of ideal cat itachi Billy insist to find water. And a vegetarian don't eat meat lion Socrates.
They found a reservoir, but with wall blocking up human.
They two call all animal for the collapse of a hit the wall. And selfish man but went bankrupt. The film tells us to save water, protect the environment, to love animals.
中国原创梦想童话系列小鸟总动员读后感怎么写 100字差不多这个暑假,我拜读了著名作家童话大王郑渊洁的最新力作《皮皮鲁魔鬼训练营》,读后深有感触。 郑渊洁是中国文坛的传奇人物,有“童话大王”之称。他笔下的皮皮鲁、鲁西西、罗克、...
疯狂动物城的观后感怎么写今天妈妈终于带我去看《疯狂动物城》了,好开心。 电影讲的是一只有梦想的兔子,面对父母的不理解、朋友的嘲讽以及各种的刁难,经过不懈努力,终于实现梦想成为第一个兔子警察,来到...
海底总动员观后感《海底总动员》观后感 我记得我看过的第一部英语电影就是《海底总动员》。我看了以后很受感动,并且因此而泪流满面。 《海底总动员》是围绕一个叫小丑鱼和他的独子尼莫而展开...
请写海底总动员观后感今天,我看了一部电影,这部电影就是2003年推出的全新动画片:《海底总动员》。 海底总动员的故事发生在热带海洋美丽的海底世界,在这个海底世界里,有一个长满许多珊瑚的大堡礁,色彩...
天空动物园的读后感怎么写《动物园》读后感 读了《动物园》这本书我认识了许多陆地上的动物,水里的动物,水陆两栖动物,鸟类,昆虫,家养动物等。陆地上的动物我最喜欢大熊猫,大熊猫生活在高山竹密的地方,活动...
美食总动员观后感去文库,查看完整内容> 内容来自用户:教育教学文库 《美食总动员》观后感三篇 引导语:《美食总动员》是一部非常好看的电影,而有关《美食总动员》观后感要怎么写呢?接下来是小编为...
求电影海底总动员观后感求电影海底总动员观后感,请写一篇五百字的海底总动员观后感:Hilarious, exciting and endlessly inventive, Finding Nemo is an awesome aquatic animation which will exhau...