(这是影评啊,但我相信会有你要的东西)Unusually intelligent Jim Carrey movie - a provocative and prescient media satire. Puts Big Brother and the current spate of docu-soaps firmly into perspective Truman Burbank (Carrey) is a happily married insurance salesman living a normal life in a small American town so perfect that he has never felt the need or desire to leave it. He has a loving wife (Linney), and a loyal best buddy (Emmerich). Life is good until one morning a stage light drops from the skies and shatters on the ground perilously close to him. It is the trigger that sets him questioning everything around him. What is behind the facades of the buildings he has never entered? Why do people seem to be travelling around him in a perfectly synchronized loop? What is going on outside his home-town? Truman is, it turns out, the unwitting star of a top-rated 24-hour-a-day TV docu-soap. Under the careful critical scrutiny to which it has been subjected, the plot turns out not to be watertight. This is to miss the point of what is a hilarious and breathtakingly conceived satire which also allows Carrey to edge away from broad comedy. The Truman Show is also oddly moving and has, as you would expect from a Weir film, a pronounced metaphysical slant with Ed Harris playing the show's archly named producer/creator Christof. Verdict One of the cinematic highlights of the 1990s, The Truman Show is up there with Weir's very best work.
After reading, I have been thinking about a question: is it right? That we live in a huge, others designed scene to act recklessly and care for nobody, others not cover to showcase all the while they never know that? Is it right? We experience daily life every day to meet people every day to enjoy all the passions design is good story? If so, then where is the place where I really want to go? Where is my soul?
楚门的世界英文观后感Unusually intelligent Jim Carrey movie - a provocative and prescient media satire. Puts Big Brother and the current spate of docu-soaps firmly into perspective...
楚门的世界观后感2篇精选第一篇: 时常会思考自己的生存方式,即便我不是个很好的思考者。我很希望自己能按自己的意愿生活,可大人总对我说:不行!他们总希望我的写字桌能一尘不染,我的书要摆放整齐,被子要折...
楚门的世界的观后感[《楚门的世界》的观后感]《楚门的世界》的观后感一直觉着《The Truman show》翻译成《楚门的世界》有毛病,这个"楚门"音译的太过生硬,硬是把"真实的男人"弄成了一个人名,而吉姆.凯...
楚门的世界观后感2011[楚门的世界观后感2011] 相关影评: 说实话,我一开始还真没怎么看懂,还以为是纪录片,实在是领悟能力不行啊,楚门的世界观后感2011。 其实从电影标题中就应该能推断出一些东西了,既...
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