

12月03日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[摩登时代观后感500字]昨晚看的《摩登时代》,至今不能让我释怀。最近看电影很多,也被感动过很多次。可只有《摩登时代》,让我既悲且笑,让我想把这份感动记录下来。 《摩登时代》是卓别林自导自演的一...+阅读


《摩登时代》是一部讲述“工业时代个人企业与人类追幸福的冲突”的优秀电影。 "Modern times" is a story of "the industrial age personal enterprise and the pursuit of happiness of human conflict" good movie.

影片主要反映了十九世纪末到二十世纪初社会大生产的现实。 The film mainly reflects the late nineteenth century to the beginning of the twentieth century social production reality.

看完后我不禁深思 After I watched the movie, I can't help thinking

很多时候都不清楚这种忙碌,这种追逐,到底是为了自己的理想还是怎样。 A lot of moment are not clear this busy, the chase, is it to his own ideal or what.

我们作为这个时代社会洪流里的一份子, We as The Times in a part of the social stream,

我们人类共同的理想就是为了真理自由的或在这个世界上,为了美好的未来一同努力。 We human common ideal is to truth freedom or in this world, in order to better future working together.


"Modern Times" begins with a shot of sheep going down a runway followed by a shot of workers entering a factory… Charlie is set down in the midst of industrial civilization, which is dominated by machinery and in which men are organized into mechanical units, Capital and Labor… Charlie's real enemies are no longer the Cop or the Boss, with whom he can always enter into some human relation, but a vast impersonality, invisible and invulnerable…

"Modern Times" offered a variety of minor attractions: it featured Chaplin's wife, Paulette Goddard; it had wonderful gags; it indulged in tricks of sound which came to the very edge of being dialog… But what did the picture mean, what was it trying to say? Because Chaplin charged his usual enormous percentage for it, and because of foreign receipts, "Modern Times" made money, but exhibitors were not happy at the limited audience turnout… For the majority, the new Charlie was too serious; for the minority, not serious enough…

Since the picture seemed to be about the dehumanizing effect of machinery, intellectuals called upon Chaplin to join them in reorganizing machine culture to some more human scale of things…

Off the screen, Chaplin said nothing… On the screen, his anarchic hostility for any kind of machine culture expressed itself in scenes like that in which Charlie is fed by a machine and that in which, crazed by the assembly line, he runs into the street, his arms moving convulsively like two pistons… Charlie the rebel, Charlie the poet, Charlie the invincibly human, had been turned into a machine.



摩登时代观后感摩登时代观后感 (一) 影片《摩登时代》是描写人和机器之间的冲突。故事是发生在20世纪20年代美国经济萧条时期,当时美国工业因为转用机器而大量解雇工人所造成的事业浪潮,主角夏...



急需一篇摩登时代观后感 450字左右就可以了摩登时代观后感 1936年 2月5日,《摩登时代》在纽约利沃里剧院首映。当时正置世界经济危机后期,资本主义国家工人普遍失业,社会动荡,经济萧条。在如今资本主义依然存在的今天,此影...

用英语写摩登时代观后感初中一年级上的水平 80词《摩登时代》是一部讲述“工业时代个人企业与人类追求幸福的冲突”的优秀电影。 "Modern times" is a story of "the industrial age personal enterprise and the pursuit of...



急需一篇摩登时代观后感急需一篇摩登时代观后感,摩登年代观后感500字:摩登时代观后感 1936年 2月5日,《摩登时代》在纽约利沃里剧院首映。当时正置世界经济危机后期,资本主义国家工人普遍失业,社会动荡,...
