My Review on High School Musical After watching the movie, I have to say it is more than just a movie .I learned a lot from it which one can not fully understand by reading our textbooks only. The first thing I learned is that we should learn to change .Don't stick to the status quo. In the film, some people wanted to change while other people objected to this. The hero is a typical example. He had also don't dare to change at first. But at last he changed, and obtained a win-win situation. The plot inspires us to change. If you dare to change, you can achieve even greater success. And the same is true in our study. The second thing I learned is teamwork spirit, which is also the clue of this film. The song at the end of the film sang like this: we are all in this together and it shows when we stand hand in hand make our dreams come true. So if you have teamwork spirit, you will get endless strength. Put the two things in you bag and I believe that you can achieve even greater success both in your daily life and study! (200words)谢谢采纳,呵呵~~~~~~~
原创:幸福来敲门观后感《当幸福来敲门》,一部在我电脑里下载了很久的电影,到今天才静下心来好好看看。整部电影充斥了对生活的热爱 对未来的期盼 还有为了理想而努力奋斗的精神。 最初是喜欢上这个...
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观后感的作文400字在烈火中永生 ——读《红岩》有感“任脚下响着沉重的铁镣,任你把皮鞭举得高高,我不需要什么‘自白’,哪怕胸口对着带血的刺刀!人,不能低下高贵的头,只有怕死鬼才乞求‘自由’!毒刑...
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求歌舞青春1英文观后感这是第一篇 有点长... ... High School Musical>is a good movie, is my favorite style, the United States middle school students and college students living in the...
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