

01月26日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[精武英雄观后感500字]《精武英雄》以热血沸腾的武打场面展示了中华武术的精妙之处,短短的一小时四十三分钟的故事情节,给观众以心灵的震撼。 片中最大看点即使陈真闪光夺目的武打特色,他融合了多年...+阅读

Saw a department movie today, again, had lingering charm very much.

What story speaks BE:the copy chief MARANDA of American vogue magazine live all women to envy of physical life, own have no still of right, can just storm all services are stop since the sail at the mid-night of time, request to increase number, even can request to own kid to fight for and don't publish of latest an expectof manuscript.She requests all employees to wear a PRADA demitoilet to go to work, liftsesing LV to wrap a pack, the SIZE clothes that can wear next 2-4 numberses of the girl's shape.The all people all fear her.By surprise of BE, she appointed earth a rustic female to harm the ANDY as vice- assistant unexpectedly.The ANDY is very simple, insist the style of ego at first.Take afterwards her ising aware of oneself have to once depend up the famous brand of the life then can obtain the time of good work, she and the MARANDA walk ascend similar road.

The ANDY life is indeed as expected fresh to shine come, but, she is this but lose ego.When she saw be like the MARANDA similar woman's same also experience a trapping of life to round, she chose to leave.Some day, be ANDY back to return nature of attire to walk on the NEWYORK avenue, we come in sight of one real find out the person of goal in life is a what self-confidence braveness.When she sees MARANDA again of time, two personal mutual smiles, again respectively walk ascend life of orbit.

In fact, the MARANDA appreciates ANDY very much, she says, she comes in sight of oneself on ANDY's body



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