[求简爱的读后感 800字左右]在我的心目中,《简爱》是一部完美而伟大的著作,因为它使我懂得了什么是善恶美丑,学会了怎样做人,而书中的主人公简"爱就是我学习的榜样,她的聪明、善良、坚强、有主见,是最令人敬佩...+阅读
我在此谈谈读巨著《简爱》的读后感,当我合上简爱这本书之后,我深深的被Jane Erye(简爱)所打动,她是如此善良而优秀的女人。Eyre夫人有一颗金子般的心。她真爱着她身旁的每个人,并且真诚的给予他们帮助,她自重,并且做每件事都很优秀,我非常喜欢她。她不仅仅是我的老师还是我的挚友,每当我迷惘的时候,我就会想到她,想到她如果是此时的我将会怎么做,为什么不去读我的朋友《简爱》! Let me tell what I feel after reading the great work Jane Erye.I was really move by Jane Erye after closing the book.What a kind and good woman!Mrs Eyre had a heart of gold.She really loved everyone around her,and gave others help sincerely(真诚地).She respected(尊重) herself and did her best to do everything.I really love her.She are both a great teacher and a good friend of mine.Sometimes when I am confuse(迷惑的),I will think of her.I will imagine what will she do if she is I.Why not read Jane Erye my friends!小说设计了一个很光明的结尾.罗彻斯特的庄园毁了,他本人也成了一个残废..在这样的情况下,简爱不再在尊严和爱之间矛盾.而同时获得满足-------她和罗彻斯特的结婚是有尊严的,同时也是有爱的. 小说告诉我们,人们最美好的生活就是尊严加爱.小说的结局按排的这是这样一种生活.虽然我觉得这样的结局过于完美,这样的完美有点浮浅..但我依然尊重作者对这种生活的美好理想.就是-------尊严加爱/ The novel tells us that the best people to increase the dignity of life is love. Novels by the end of the row that this is such a life. Although I think this kind of outcome is too perfect, so perfect .. a little superficial, but I still respect this author The ideal of a better kind of life. ------- Is to increase the dignity of love / In modern society, few people will like Jane Eyre, for the love for the character and abandon all, and without looking back.'s Whole-hearted pursuit of pay, and pure like a glass of ice water ....... Jane eyreEnglish: Jane eyre is a novel color autobiography, it explains the theme: people's value = dignity + love.Jane. Love living in a parents, sponsor, grew up under the environment of treatment with peers, aunt abandon, cousin contempt, cousin insults and beating of a child... this is the dignity of the ruthless trample, but perhaps because it all, Jane. Love and faith of infinite indomitable spirit, a kind of inner personality can win.In rochester, she never because he is a teacher and the family status meanness, but that they feel inferior is equal. Should not because she is a servant, but not respected by others. Also because of her integrity, noble and pure heart, no pollution, secular society for the shock, and rochester her as a spiritual and equality in the conversation, and slowly and deeply in love with her.Jane eyre itself to us is a kind of simplified, is a fanpiaoguizhen, is a kind of pursuit of whole heart feeling, is a kind of simplified feelings and neglected, it is like a cup of water, purify every reader's heart, also cause readers, especially female readers简爱》 中文:《简爱》是一部带有自传色彩的长篇小说,它阐释了这样一个主题:人的价值=尊严+爱。
简。爱生存在一个父母双亡,寄人篱下的环境,从小就承受着与同龄人不一样的待遇,姨妈的嫌弃,表姐的蔑视,表哥的侮辱和毒打……这是对一个孩子的尊严的无情践踏,但也许正是因为这一切,换回了简。爱无限的信心和坚强不屈的精神,一种可战胜的内在人格力量。 在罗切斯特的面前,她从不因为自己是一个地位低贱的家庭教师而感到自卑,反而认为他们是平等的。
简爱读后感 800字以上《简爱》读后感 花了五天多的时间终于读完了《简爱》,我知道这是一个十分艰巨的过程。这连住的几日,我几乎除了吃饭和睡觉,一切时间都耗费在这本来自遥远国度的小说里。然而我...
跪求简爱 800字左右读后感曾经有一份挚爱,漂洋过海来到我面前,那便是《简爱》。它通过简.爱与罗切斯特之间一波三折的爱情故事,塑造了一个出生低微、生活道路曲折,却始终坚持维护独立人格、追求个性自由...
求简爱读后感 800字这本小说,主要通过简.爱与罗切斯特之间一波三折的爱情故事,塑造了一个出生低微、生活道路曲折,却始终坚持维护独立人格、追求个性自由、主张人生平等、不向人生低头的坚强女性...
简爱八百字的读后感在文学史上,有许多的经典名著将要永垂不朽,但能够像《简爱》这样深深地进入人们的灵魂,它以一 种不可抗拒的美感吸引了成千上万的读者,影响着人们的精神世界,甚至对某些人来讲,影...
跪求朝花夕拾读后感 2000字细读鲁迅先生的《朝花夕拾·从百草园到三味书屋》,享受着不时从字里行间中透露出来的那份天真烂漫的感情,眼前不由出现了一幅幅令人神往的自然画. "油蛉在这里低唱,蟋蟀们在这里...
简爱英文观后感不要太长适合初二学生The protagonist, Jane Eyre, as the author depicted, is very plain. But almost every reader, including me, must prefer Jane to any other young ladies in this nov...
跪求一篇简爱的英语读后感!An Analysis of Jane Eyre The novel is rich in poetry, symbolism and metaphor. It does not fit easily into a definite pattern, being neither a novel of "manners" i...