
帮忙用英语写Alice in wonderland的读后感初一水平 100200字左

02月06日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[中外名著读后感300字越短越好]水浒传读后感 《水浒传》一书记述了以宋江为首的一百零八好汉从聚义梁山泊,到受朝廷招安,再到大破辽兵,最后剿灭叛党,却遭奸人谋害的英雄故事.读完全书,印在我脑海里挥之不去的只...+阅读

After reading the story,I close my eyes and have a break.I really think Alice is happy,because she can enter the world that she has never experienced, though it is only a dream.Alice is just such a girl who is cute,brave,kind-hearted, she can calm down herself when she is facing different and rare people and things,and keep a fresh mind to solve the difficult she meets, also she sticks to her own principles not to following the trend,which preserve her precious dignify\personality.Nowadays,majority people lose themselves in the social,no charcters any more.The list is endless.I learn many things from this book.In the Wonderland,impossible is nothing.May the story is a dream,but it shows me a different idea,just like our childhoods when we have no choices,don't need to worry about anything.I once want to have a dream like Alice.A dream I can be the master,the leading role.But the ream is always far away from us.Maybe I can't be so brave like Alice,but I will try my best to make it real.Alice has been awaken from her dream, but my dream is just start,come on, for the dream.


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