

02月16日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[莎士比亚英文读后感]莎士比亚英文读后感 Shakspere (wrong spelling) created Hamlet--a man with wisdom and courage .In order to revenge on his uncle for killing his father, he pretented...+阅读

Shakespeare, 16 century to the early seventeenth century Britain's most famous writers, and European Renaissance humanism literature. It works have far-reaching romeo and Juliet. The representative of the peak is four tragedies: "prince of Othello king Lear tragedy Macbeth. I have read the best tragedy is the prince Hamlet became the hero, the literature is one of the typical complex. The prince is a tragic tale of the prince of Denmark. Story: prince Hamlet's father emperor Danish LaoDan - mysterious death, prince Michael nets for this confusion. He met in the watchtowers his dead father's soul, soul told prince Hamlet is the king of the uncle - claudius and killed him. In order to confirm the clever arrangement, the drama of Hamlet's father finally confirmed his words, and to find the murderer. Since then, he began his hamm ray of revenge plan. To lost in revenge plan AoFeiLiYa lover, finally AoFeiLiYa brother who was at the prince and battle at edrei. As a result, when in truth, all people just confession to die. Look, I think after Hamlet was very poor. But he was happy in her father's death, and the father soon after the soul back to his revenge on burden. Every day he live in pain, revenge, he was forced to pretend crazy of mental and physical exhaustion, Hamlet was tired of living, more want him to relax. But he, because he can relax the ugly uncle at his side, a spy planted a lot but found, he is one. The secret of his friends but also from Hamlet friends around in a conspired against him, and I saw a human, who had very good friends for money was showing pictures depicted greedy colours! Back about prince, I had to be his courage and wisdom, is convinced by his cleverness, he repeated escaped claudius as he set the trap. He is very brave, but he is very clever but the nature of the pure good betrayed him! Hamlet believe all his like kindness, he believes, is good at all, so he agreed to a duel, that died in the thunder sword of arcane poison. I think maybe he's death is inevitable. Hamlet as real as each one of us, but also a great than we. He is a giant, it is a real man. Hamlet in their own "destroy" to destroy the ugly uncle claudius, In his "destroyed" deep the ugly reality at spurs had a sword, In his "destroy" the achievements of his homeland - Danish "survival", Also in his "destroy" left "Hamlet materialism that proposition." Hamlet perishes together with the secular is bad, but his tragic hero and not pessimistic! Someone once said: Actually has a profound tragedy of beauty, the tragedy of meaning is that it not only also rouses readers of sympathy, but through tears of tragedy, development, ending the overall process of people serious thinking about the meaning of life. Tragedy is all through the conflict, the necessity to reveal the true, the good and the beautiful certainly! 莎士比亚,十六世纪后半叶到十七世纪初英国最著名的作家,也是欧洲文艺复兴时期人文主义文学的集大成者。

它影响深远的作品有《罗密欧与朱丽叶》。其代表作最高峰的是四大悲剧:《王子复仇记》《奥赛罗》《李尔王》《麦克白》。我所读的就是堪称世界最佳悲剧的《王子复仇记》,主人公哈姆雷特也成了最复杂的文学典型之一。 《王子复仇记》是讲一位丹麦王子的悲惨故事。故事讲:丹麦王子哈姆雷特的父皇——老聃麦网离奇死亡,王子为此困惑为此伤心。



他是很英勇也很聪明,可他那纯真善良的本性却出卖了他!哈姆雷特相信所有人都像他一样的善良,他相信雷奥提斯是善良的,所以他答应了决斗,也就那样死在了雷奥提斯的毒剑下。我想,也许他的死是必然的吧。 哈姆雷特像我们每个人一样真实,但又比我们伟大。他是一个巨人,却又是一个真实的人。哈姆雷特以自己的“毁灭”去毁灭了...


莎士比亚作品英文读后莎士比亚作品英文读后感 A Midsummer Night's Dream is a romantic edy by William Shakespeare written sometime in the 1590s. It portrays the adventures of four youn...

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