

02月22日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[谁帮我写一篇老人与海的英文读后感 ?????]今年暑假,我读了美国著名作家海明威的小说《老人与海》。我十分佩服小说中老渔夫的意志,他让我懂得了一个人一定要有坚持不懈的精神,才能获得成功。 The Old Man and the Sea i...+阅读

Abstract The Old Man and the Sea tells the frustrated experience that the old fisherman fishes in the course. The theme is deep, and it is a song of praise of heroism. “But man is not made for defeat. A man can be destroyed but not defeated” has been the classic saying and the old man also has been the most typical and the most representative of the Hemingway's “tough guy”. When Hemingway talked about the successful factors later, the little boy was mentioned in the same breath with the old man. This paper starts with the details and it is divided into two main parts to discuss the indispensable roles of the little boy in the novel. It is him who helps to perform the theme of “grace under pressure”: during 40 days, the old man with the little boy went to fish but without taking a fish, when his situation was getting worse step by step, the little boy's leaving was the heavy pressure that achieved the extreme stern for certain. However , it was so “heavy pressure” that his manner was graceful when the old man faced afterwards defeat and his optimistic, generous life attitude was worthy tasting by people carefully; it is him who plays the role of leading, inspiring to the readers, and increasing the appeal of the work, enriching the content of the work: although the little boy appears only at the beginning and the ending in the novel, there is nothing in his inner state but the old man, so his attitude and emotions towards the old man affects the readers' emotions for the old man quietly and gradually. And it is unavoidable that his inner feeling leads and impacts the readers' emotions. Key words: roles; the little boy; the old man; grace under pressure; The Old Man and the Sea 摘要 《老人与海》讲述了老渔夫捕鱼过程中的坎坷经历,主题深刻,是一部英雄主义的赞歌。

“一个人不是生来就要被打败的,你可以消灭他,但就是打不败他。”已经成为至理名言,老人也成为海明威式“硬汉子”的最典型、最完美的代表。当海明威谈到小说成功的因素时,曾颇为自得地将小男孩与老人相提并论。 本文拟从有关细节入手, 分析 讨论小男孩在《老人与海》中所起的微妙且不可或缺的作用:是他帮助表现了“重压下的优雅风度”这一主题:在老人84天没有捕到鱼,处境一步步恶化的厄运中,小男孩的离去无疑让老人的“重压”达到了极度严峻的地步,然而正是由于如此的“重压”,老人后来面对失败时的态度才可谓“优雅”,所表现的大度、乐观的人生态度才值得人们仔细地品味;是他对读者发挥着一定的牵引、打动和启发作用,从而增强了作品的感染力,丰富了作品的内涵:孩子虽然只出现在小说的首尾两处,但是孩子的内心世界里别无他物,只有老人,他对老人的态度和感情潜移默化地左右着读者对老人的感受,他的内心情感无可避免地要牵动 影响 着读者的情绪。 见


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