《变形金刚三》:50 years ago, a ship falled from the Sai Botan moon, which led to the space race between the Soviet Union. Man competed on the moon, only to explore the wreckage of the spacecraft in secret. In 2000s, after several expeditions, cars were finally defeated the Decepticons invaded, then the human co-defend the beauty of the earth. However, the events occurred in Chernobyl puts dusty moon back on the table. In order to prevent the Decepticons find all sorts of energy column, Optimus Prime and his comrades flew to the moon, but from the time the ship rescued the car's first generation of leaders - Royal predators.
看钱学森电影读后感本站读后感网带来一篇读后感铭文,请参考阅读;FANWEN51. 今天,老师要我们写一篇电影的观后感,我想来想去,我一直被一个人的故事感动着。他,是我国导弹、火箭以及航天事业的拓荒者...
看英语电影观后感100字你好: <;后天>;观后感 Today, we watched a movie, the name of this movie was called:The day after tomorrow.What this movie speaks BE:A world happened to become c...
谁帮我写英语作文观后感看一部英文动画片或电影I watched a moive named Peter Pan last night. It is about a boy who doesn't want to grow up. His name is Peter. He is very handsome, helpful and friendly to his...
看英语电影的观后感200My thought about the film A Beautiful Mind Yesterday I saw a film named A Beautiful Mind , which I like very much. A Beautiful Mind is a story film about a real...
l robot电影观后感英语作文100字左右I enjoyed the movie "I, Robot". The plot was exciting, although the concept was not very original. However, one of the things I liked about this movie was the way...
狼图腾电影电影英文观后感未定~!据说要2010年。电影《狼图腾》 让·雅克·阿诺先找驯兽师后挑演员。姜戎的《狼图腾》是很多中国读者相当熟悉的畅销小说,而在法国,有一位著名导演也是这部小说的粉丝。昨...
以看爱国主义电影有感为题写一篇观后感小学五年级今天,我看了一部名叫《鸡毛信》的影片,使我感受到了海娃是多么勇敢、爱国。 主要内容:海娃是一个小游击队员。有一次,他要给老李送信,却没有地方放这封信。于是,他便灵机一动,把信...
英文电影的英文观后感Even wanted to travel to the center of the earth? I am sure not many would have even thought of this. If it is travelling to a different country especially a po...