

03月04日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[读格林童话有感100字]读格林童话有感100字 (一) 我妈妈给我买了格林童话这本故事书,这本书可好了,所以我写这一本书的读后感。 上面有许多的故事如勇敢的小裁缝、狼和狐狸、穷人和富人…&helli...+阅读


本文在写蒋氏痛陈心曲之中融入了作者强烈的个人感情。作者先“悲”后“愈悲”,他悲的是毒蛇之毒,是捕蛇者蒋氏的不幸遭遇;他“愈悲”的是赋敛之毒,是当时广大百姓的悲惨命运。作者之悲中充满了对蒋氏及广大受苦百姓的深切同情和对统治阶级的不满。虽然作者当时被贬永州,但他依然是统治阶级中的一员。他能有如此感情,关心民生疾苦,可见其思想的进步性。然而最终他却把问题解决的希望寄托在“观人风者”身上,这又不得不说是无奈的局限。这个局限是历史的局限,阶级的局限,作者无法超脱。“以俟夫观人风者得焉”的实质是希望朝廷调整统治政策,用辨证唯物主义的眼光来看这只是个改良主义性质的美好希望。翻开历史,不难看到中唐社会藩镇割据,土地兼并,动辄则战,朝廷财力匮乏,试想,这一无力的希望能下闸止水般的遏制住横征暴敛吗? 一堆柴木,当它的水分被蒸干时,只需一根火柴,便可燃起熊熊烈火。



西游记第五回第一句话:话表齐天大圣到底是个妖猴。非常深刻地评价了孙悟空的性格及其所作所为。本来让孙悟空看管蟠桃园是个美差,但是到摘蟠桃的时候成熟的蟠桃都没了,那时蟠桃已成熟一半,少说也有三十多万个,都让他个人吃了吗?不可能,那就是让人给偷了,他却没发现你说他一天都在干什么?有一点责任心吗?几十万个蟠桃都给看丢了,这已经是大错,他却全然不知。当孙悟空听说蟠桃会没请他时,他便恼羞成怒破坏了蟠桃宴,偷了仙丹,事到这时才知道闯了祸才知道害怕,反天宫跑了。跑能解决问题吗?肯定要抓回来治罪的。 孙悟空自学艺归来后就自高自大,非常跋扈,老子天下第一,敢打敢干,遇事不加思索,暴力倾向严重。这一时期的孙悟空还没有形成自己成熟的个性,做事幼稚天真不计后果,我们大多数人在成长过程中或多或少会出现这样的过程。


这部剧集我正好看过,你等等我写给你。 Something about Sherlock Holms When I was a child, I always heard the fantasy of Sherlock Holms. He is a great detective who is good at deduction. Moreover, he is extremely meticulous at things that others even don't realize. Actually, more detail appears when I start reading the book. One of the chapters talks about the robbery which was planned carefully by one of the assistants of Professor. Moliaty. Holms immediately checked the ground where there is a bank under it. It also didn't take him long to find out what was happening just according to what the keeper of the watch store reflected to him. Someone was trying to rob the bank! It was a big thing even for Holms. If I were him, I might be scream out loud and call the police, but Holms didn't. He patiently waited the robber to finish his work because if the police interfered into this event, they would screw everything roughly, and the thief would run away. Finally, in a quiet night in London, Holms caught the thief. It's very simple according to what I write, but in fact there are lots of dangers and risks when Holms is trying to catch the criminal. There are cross fires and fight, and struggling, which were caused by the desperate thief. Holms is somehow a strange person. He isn't interested in fame and money, though he is famous and rich. When people have problems that they can't solve, they will come to Holms for help. It's also the reason why people trust him 'cause he is really helpful and he shows people the truth instead of confusion. It seems Holms is a Saint, but it's not true. As I said before, he doesn't care much about fame. However, if you were him, will you be mad at someone who intentionally steal your achievements without saying anything to you? I certainly will. And that's where the author made the character lively. The police of Scotland Yard are very annoying. They don't have the ability to investigate things. They work based on what Holms have done, and after that, they stole the outcomes as if the case was done by them. Holms is a generous gentleman. He never asked the police to give him anything in return, though he loathed the police—that's the humanity mixed with generosity. And that is Holms—a person who is intelligent and meticulous.


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