

03月11日 编辑 fanwen51.com



莫泊桑是世界著名的短篇小说大师。暑假中,我有幸阅览了莫泊桑的著名作品《羊脂球》。 书中除了《羊脂球》外还有包括我们课本上学习过的《我的叔叔于勒》等三十几篇短篇小说,内容涉及到普法战争;小资产阶级和公务员;农村的生活;怪诞的故事;以及婚姻、家庭生活这几方面。 “艺术是有选择的、有表现力的真实”莫泊桑排除了一切与其主题无关的内容,阐明了本质的、有特点的东西,令其每篇小说都短小精悍又简单易懂。从这一个个平凡的小故事中,作者想要赞美的或是讽刺的,一切想要表达的都传递给了每一位读者。 其中最盛名的自然是本书的同名作品《羊脂球》。主人公羊脂球是一位生活在社会最底层、受人歧视的妓女。作者与众不同地把她作为正面人物描写,并用其与一群以“正人君子”视人的上流社会资产阶级人物作对比,揭示了后者道貌岸然的外表下,自私虚伪连最基本的爱国情感都荡然无存的肮脏内心。

令我印象特别深刻的是那些拥有高尚身份的人在利益前后那巨大的态度变化。当那些高贵的伯爵、富有的老板们需要羊脂球的帮助才能脱离德国军官的扣留时,他们“和蔼可亲。心平气和地跟她讲道理,用感情打动她,非常殷勤地恭维她,讨她的喜欢。赞扬她的牺牲将帮了大家大忙,大家将对她有多么感激。” 而后,当羊脂球没有利用价值了,这些人“不约而同地掉转头去,好像没看见她一样。”高贵的伯爵挽起他的夫人,“对她避得远远的”老板的妻子傲慢地“瞪了她一眼”,“大家都离她远远的,如同她的裙子里带着什么传染病似的。” 简洁的语言,强烈的对比,把那些拥有高贵身份的人的假仁假意、虚伪做作刻画地如此精准而又深刻,把这些人高贵、雍荣外表遮盖下的丑恶嘴脸毫不留情地揭露了出来,令我们每个读者不禁对这些伪君子嗤之以鼻。

莫泊桑的小说揭示了人性的美与丑。当我们在为其笔下那个世态炎凉、人情淡薄的社会感到悲哀的同时,也会自然地联想到自身。 我们现在身处的社会与19世纪的法国社会当然相差甚远,但是,从莫泊桑笔下那些假仁假意的伪君子身上,以及那个毫无人情味、充满资产阶级等级观念的社会中,更让我们感觉人与人之间真诚地相待是多么的可贵!充满相互关爱、相互帮助氛围的社会是多么温暖! 我们是幸运的,我们没有生活在莫泊桑笔下那种只有利益与等级观念,人心却相隔万里的可悲社会中。但如果我们不懂得好好珍惜,与人相处都戴着“假面具”,为人处事都盘算着是否有利可图,那么包围在我们身边的浓情也将变淡,到最后我们也将生活在一个冰冷的世界里。 如果你种下虚情假意的种子,也只可能得到薄情寡义的果实。

毕竟,以诚待人是相互的。真心地耕耘也将收获到真心。我相信真诚地对待每一个身边的人才会是最快乐的,而你身处的那个小小社会也会是最温暖的。 每个人所在的小社会组成一个大社会。莫泊桑大师鞭挞了资产阶级等级观念以及冰冷的人际关系,不正呼吁了一个充满浓情的社会吗?只要我们每个人努力创建一个温暖的小社会,那么必将连成一个光明、美好的浓情世界。 戴着假面具,以金钱利益为主的人际关系是令人感到可怕甚至令人窒息的,我们需要用诚心消除隔膜,用诚意去对待朋友,这样的社会环境才能令人想到温暖,象一个大家庭。


羊脂球是世界短篇小说之王莫泊桑的处女作,我极其的讨厌其中一些贪图利益,险恶奸诈的伪君子,他们是那么的可恶,而羊脂球却是一个善良的妓女,一个毫无邪念的爱国女子。 羊脂球和一些伪君子坐在一辆马车里,伪君子们因为羊脂球是妓女而嘲笑他,在他们饥饿时,羊脂球把食物给了他们,他们以迅雷不及掩耳之势把篮子里的食物席卷而光,之后就去拍羊脂球的套近乎。 有一天,一个富人让羊脂球陪他过夜,羊脂球不愿意,那些伪君子花言巧语让羊脂球留了下来,下了车的羊脂球看了看自己那该装满食物的篮子,眼泪哗哗地留了下来。 有一些伪君子只会在他们需要时去利用别人,在别人已经没有利用价值时,就如同废铁一样扔掉。 所以在生活中我们要成为有一颗善良的心的人,而不要成为那些伪君子。

(字数:326 )...


Suet ball is a hero to live in the bottom of society, discrimination of prostitutes. Different authors to describe her as a positive character, and with a group of "gentleman" as the person's upper-class bourgeois figures for comparison, which reveals the appearance of pretend, the selfish and hypocritical patriotism even the most basic are certainly No deposit dirty mind. I was particularly impressed that the identity of those with a noble person before and after the interests of the great changes in attitude. When the count of those noble, rich suet ball bosses need help to the detained military officers from Germany, they "amiable.跟她讲calmly reason, touched with the feelings of her, very attentive to compliment her, love her to discuss . praised the sacrifices she will help us all very busy, we would be grateful to her how. "Then, when the ball did not make use of the value of suet, and these people" as if by prior agreement to swap the other way round, it seems like she did not see. "noble Count roll up his wife, "She might be able to avoid much of the" arrogance of the boss's wife to "stare at her," "We all are far away from her, and as her skirts like with any infectious diseases." concise language, a strong contrast to the identity of those with noble benevolence of people pretending to leave, hypocritical affectation and accurate portrait of such a profound manner, the elegance of these people, Yong-rong appearance under cover to expose the ugly face of relentless out so that the reader can not help each of us give a snort of these hypocrites. Maupassant's novel reveals humanity美与丑. When we described that in their世态炎凉, weak social relationships sad at the same time, will naturally think of their own. We are now in the 19th century, social and of course a far cry from the French society, but from those who leave jen Maupassant described the hypocrites who pretend, and that is absolutely merciless, full of bourgeois society hierarchy, made us feeling among people in good faith, how the value of treatment! Full of mutual love and help each other how the social atmosphere of warmth! We are lucky, we do not live in Maupassant described the kind of hierarchy, only the interests of the people are far apart in a sad society. But if we do not know how to treasure them, all to get along with others wearing "masks" of doing things have been wondering whether or not profitable, then surrounded by the Cities around us will also be变淡, in the end we will also live in a cold world. If you planted the seeds of false, it may only be the fruit of薄情寡义. After all, treat people with sincerity is mutual. Will work sincerely to really harvest. I believe in good faith towards each side of the talent will be the happiest, and that you are a small community will be the warmest. Each composed of small community where a large community. Master Maupassant castigate bourgeois hierarchy and cold interpersonal relationships, a correct call on the passion of the society? As long as each of us strive to create a warm small community, it will not even into a bright, beautiful world of passion. Wearing a mask, consisting mainly of a pecuniary interest in interpersonal relationships is suffocating even feel terrible, and we sincerely need to reduce barriers to treatment with the sincerity of friends, such a social environment can people think of warm, like a big family.


羊脂球》读后感羊脂球》读后感1 小说描绘了一八七零年普法战争期间,有一辆法国的驿车在离开敌战区时,被一名普鲁士军官扣留.军官一定要车上一个绰号叫羊指球的妓女陪他过夜,否则驿车就不...


羊脂球的读后感!急!急!急!我写的没那么长,300.400字,是我们的作业,你看看给分,不给就2分 小说描绘了一八七零年普法战争期间,有一辆法国马车在离开敌战区时,被一名普鲁士军官扣留。军官一定要车上一个绰号...

求少于300字的羊脂球读后感两篇法国作家莫泊桑是世界上数一数二的短篇小说大师。表面看来,莫泊桑的作品所叙说的似乎都是社会上司空见惯的事,但它隐含的意义却是十分深刻的。 1880年《羊脂球》的发表使他一...





