

03月16日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[《时间简史》读后感]时间有初始吗?它又将在何地终结呢?宇宙是无限的还是有限的? 爱因斯坦在发现广义相对论以后,曾经竭力寻找一个理论,以使得令人讨厌量子论不再这么随意。我也曾经讨厌那种基于统计...+阅读


Stephen Hawking, one of the most brilliant theoretical physicists in history, wrote the modern classic A Brief History of Time to help nonscientists understand the questions being asked by scientists today: Where did the universe come from? How and why did it begin? Will it come to an end, and if so, how? Hawking attempts to reveal these questions (and where we're looking for answers) using a minimum of technical jargon. Among the topics gracefully covered are gravity, black holes, the Big Bang, the nature of time, and physicists' search for a grand unifying theory. This is deep science; these concepts are so vast (or so tiny) as to cause vertigo while reading, and one can't help but marvel at Hawking's ability to synthesize this difficult subject for people not used to thinking about things like alternate dimensions. The journey is certainly worth taking, for, as Hawking says, the reward of understanding the universe may be a glimpse of the mind of God.

求一篇霍金的时间简史的读后感要英文版的 400 500词左右

Was there a beginning of time? Could time run backwards? Is the universe infinite or does it have boundaries? A Brief History of Time will tell you the truth. A Brief History of Time is a great book by Professor Stephen Hawking, the world's most famous physicist, black hole theory and the "Big Bang" theory's creator. It is a good book of modern theoretical physics. You can get an outline of our knowledge currently about gravitation, time, big bang and so on. I still cannot believe this is written by the most gifted scientist for general public. Using simple language, Stephen illustrated a full picture of what the universe is and what time is, within the bundary of human beings current understanding. Never imagine pure theratic physics could be so interesting and easy to understand, although I have to admit that I only understand 40% of what he is saying. After reading the book, I felt strongly pessimistic with the further advancement of theoretical physics. It is, in my opinion, quite a dead-end job. Any newly proposed physical theory 暑期读书笔记&影视剧点评精选 读书笔记影视剧点评书评舞台艺术点评读后感 need to be in good accordance with experimental observation to be proved and publicly accepted. Theoretical physics focuses on the extremes -- the lightest particle, the earliest stage of the universe, etc. According to Hawking, we human being were not able to produce the required extreme conditions to test the new theories. Therefore we were not able to prove the authenticity of them, thus not able to advance. Prof. Hawking wrote the book in 1988. Twenty-two years later, we regrettably find that the improvement in experimental methods and equipments in the area of particle and cosmo- physics is trivial compared to what is really needed. But you should not go for understanding everything inside the book because the physics require proper math formulae for complete understanding. I can't understand "uncertainty principle". I think particles' position and velocity are fixed in a way that we are not recognized now. However, I agree with following opinion: 1, There is no single formulation of the fundamental theory. 2, The whole collection of different formulations could be regarded as a complete unified theory. As an unfortunately result of the theories not being able to be proved, or falsified, a whole lot of different theories, all interwoven with indecipherable mathematics burgeon. To catch up with the "state-of-the-art", a new theoretical physicist has to study the majority of these theories, and the very bespoke mathematics attached to each of them. In my opinion, the process would be very exhausting, and unworthy, since most of the theories will be proven completely nonsense. I believe the difficulty and boringness will not stop a small group of very ambitious people from pursuing, in the hope their home-made theory would someday equate the status of that of Newton's and Einstein's today. I personally would not be willing to see my child become one of them.


《时间简史》相信这个名字大家并不陌生,这就是著名物理学家史蒂芬·霍金的著作。但也许我们之中的大多数并没有真正的阅读过,因为它对我们来说未免有些遥远且不能理解。 这是一本解释宇宙学基本原理,探索宇宙未来的书。虽然我只读懂了一小部分,但我依然可以从霍金幽默的言语中看到他对自由意志、生命价值和死亡的独特见解。虽然这是一本科学理论读物,却呈现了霍金令人惊叹的个人特质。 霍金总是用最平易的语言阐述着时间空间的本性以及宇宙的历史发展。他以简单的例子解释什么是黑洞虫洞,反粒子虚粒子的概念是什么。这本书让我了解到了一些关于宇宙的信息,也让我接触了许多从未知道的物理名词,它让我对浩淼无穷的宇宙产生了浓浓的兴趣。 书中提到科学的伟大目标是寻找一个万有理论——一个能预言宇宙之一切可能现象,包括开端和终结的理论。

我想万有理论会极其高深,我是不会明白的,但霍金却说“如果发现了一个完备的统一理论,那么他迟早也会同样的被领悟和简化,并在学校里讲授”。霍金是在告诉我们,宇宙与我们的关系在也许很复杂,但一旦找到解决的办法,就会得到大众化,也许在不太久远的未来,我们真的可以乘坐上时间机器,回到过去或者探访未来。可以再太空任意遨游。 霍金认为“我们将在下个百年将面临灭绝,除非开始向太空移民”。世界人口的快速增加的确加重了地球的负担,使得环境日趋愈下,不管我们是否真的会灭绝,能够移民太空,减小地球的压力,这也不失为一种办法,只是这需要我们对宇宙有足够的了解,对时间时空有足够的认识。 《时间简史》使我相信,在不太遥远的将来我们将揭开这宇宙之谜。












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