

03月27日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[一份英文简爱的读后感大概150字左右]Jane Eyre — A Beautiful Soul(简爱) Jane Eyre, is a poor but aspiring, small in body but huge in soul, obscure but self-respecting girl. After we close the covers...+阅读


绿野仙踪的,希望可以帮到你!! "Wizard of Oz" tells the beautiful and kind-hearted girl Dorothy's adventures. 这本书里的的人物有多萝茜、铁皮人、稻草人、狮子、南方女巫、东方女巫、北方女巫、西方女巫……其中,东方女巫和西方女巫是邪恶的,而北方女巫和南方女巫是善良的。 This book the characters are Dorothy, Tin Man, Scarecrow, Lion, Witch and the South, the East Witch of the North Witch, Witch of the West ... ... which, the East and the West Witch Witch is evil, while the Witch is Witch of the North and the South good. 故事里的多萝茜很善良,她一开始是跟爱姆婶婶和亨利叔叔住在堪萨斯州。 Very good story of Dorothy, she begins with Aunt Em and Uncle Henry in Kansas. 有一天,他和小狗托托正在玩耍时,龙卷风来了,多萝茜和小狗托托就躲到了床底下,而爱姆婶婶和亨利叔叔躲到了安全的地窖里,房子慢慢的飞了起来,过了一会儿,房子又慢慢地降了下来,压死了邪恶的东方女巫,多萝茜也来到了另一个国度。

One day, he and his little dog Toto were playing, the tornado came, Dorothy and Toto to the dog hid under the bed, and Aunt Em and Uncle Henry hid in the cellar of the safety of the house fly slowly up, after a while children, the house slowly falling down, crushing the evil Witch of the East, and Dorothy also came to another country. 多萝茜很想回到自己的家乡——堪萨斯州。 Dorothy wanted to return to their hometown - Kansas. 她一路上遇见了没长脑子的稻草人、生了绣的铁皮人和胆小的狮子。 Along the way she met a scarecrow without a brain, had embroidered the iron and the Cowardly Lion. 他们历经了千辛万苦,来到了翡翠城,见到了伟大的奥茨。 They experienced the hardships, came to the Emerald City to see the great Oates. 奥茨答应他们只有杀死西方女巫,才能实现他们各自的愿望。 Oates agreed that they only kill the Witch of the West in order to achieve their own aspirations. 聪明勇敢的多萝茜杀死了邪恶的西方女巫,救出了狮子,修好了她的朋友稻草人和铁皮人。

Smart brave Dorothy killed the evil Witch of the West, rescued a lion, repaired her friends the Scarecrow and Tin Woodman. 伟大的奥茨实现了他们的愿望,稻草人有了聪明的脑子,铁皮人有了一颗善良的心,胆小的狮子有了胆量,这些都是伟大的奥茨帮助他们实现的。 Oates realized their great desire to have a smart brain the Scarecrow, the Tin Man has a good heart, the Cowardly Lion had the guts, these are great to help them achieve Oates. 而多萝茜和小狗托托在南方女巫和北方的女巫帮助下,终于回到了她的家乡——堪萨斯州,见到了亲爱的爱姆婶婶和亨利叔叔。 The Dorothy and Toto the dog in the South and the North Witch Witch help, finally returned to her hometown - Kansas, met my dear Aunt Em and Uncle Henry. 读了《绿野仙踪》后,我体会到朋友是很珍贵的。 Reading the "Wizard of Oz", I feel the friend is very precious. 多萝茜与稻草人、铁皮人和狮子,从不相识到朋友,然后一同共度难关,互相帮助,结果实现了他们的心愿。

Dorothy and the scarecrow, tin and the lion, never met a friend, and then riding out the storm together and help each other to achieve the results they desire. 我们同学就是朋友,我们应该互相帮助。 Our students are friends, we should help each other. 朋友很珍贵、很重要,我们要珍惜他,让友谊的花朵永远盛开。 Friends is very precious, very important, and we should cherish him and let the flowers of friendship is always in full bloom. 从中我还明白了一个道理:人必须朝着自己既定的目标向前驶去,在前进的道路上勇往直前、不畏艰险勇于拼搏,最终实现理想的港湾。 I also understand from the truth: people have to move forward toward their established goals drove in the go ahead on the road ahead, through thick and thin and energetic, and ultimately to achieve the desired haven. 达到每一个目标,是必须付出艰苦劳动的,要不怕困难,带着一颗善良的心,与同伴团结友爱、互相帮助,那么,你心中所想的美好的一天一定会到来。

To achieve each goal, is to pay work hard to not afraid of difficulties, with a good heart, and peer solidarity, mutual help, then you want to make a better day will surely come. 在这本书中,多萝西和她的朋友为了实现愿望,不怕困难,互相帮助,打倒敌人,朋友们先后实现了自己的愿望,多萝西最后在南方好女巫格林达的帮助下,也回到了家乡德克萨斯,结束了这漫长的旅程。 In this book, Dorothy and her friends in order to achieve their dream, not afraid of difficulties and help each other to defeat the enemies and friends, has achieved its wish, Dorothy finally in the South Good Witch Glinda's help, but also returned to his hometown in Texas, end of a long journey. 我以后在生活上、学习上都要向多萝西学习,在生活中遇到困难想办法去解决它。 I later in life, le...

英语文章 the unicorn in the

Once upon a sunny morning a man who sat in a breakfast nook looked up from his scrambled eggs to see a white unicorn with a golden horn quietly cropping the roses in the garden. The man went up to the bedroom where his wife was still asleep and woke her. "There's a unicorn in the garden," he said. "Eating roses." She opened one unfriendly eye and looked at him. "The unicorn is a mythical beast," she said, and turned her back on him. The man walked slowly downstairs and out into the garden. The unicorn was still there; now he was browsing among the tulips. "Here, unicorn," said the man, and he pulled up a lily and gave it to him. The unicorn ate it gravely. With a high heart, because there was a unicorn in his garden, the man went upstairs and roused his wife again. "The unicorn," he said,"ate a lily." His wife sat up in bed and looked at him coldly. "You are a booby," she said, "and I am going to ...Once upon a sunny morning a man who sat in a breakfast nook looked up from his scrambled eggs to see a white unicorn with a golden horn quietly cropping the roses in the garden. The man went up to the bedroom where his wife was still asleep and woke her. "There's a unicorn in the garden," he said. "Eating roses." She opened one unfriendly eye and looked at him. "The unicorn is a mythical beast," she said, and turned her back on him. The man walked slowly downstairs and out into the garden. The unicorn was still there; now he was browsing among the tulips. "Here, unicorn," said the man, and he pulled up a lily and gave it to him. The unicorn ate it gravely. With a high heart, because there was a unicorn in his garden, the man went upstairs and roused his wife again. "The unicorn," he said,"ate a lily." His wife sat up in bed and looked at him coldly. "You are a booby," she said, "and I am going to have you put in the booby-hatch." The man, who had never liked the words "booby" and "booby-hatch," and who liked them even less on a shining morning when there was a unicorn in the garden, thought for a moment. "We'll see about that," he said. He walked over to the door. "He has a golden horn in the middle of his forehead," he told her. Then he went back to the garden to watch the unicorn; but the unicorn had gone away. The man sat down among the roses and went to sleep. And As soon as the husband had gone out of the house, the wife got up and dressed as fast as she could. She was very excited and there was a gloat in her eye. She telephoned the police and she telephoned a psychiatrist; she told them to hurry to her house and bring a strait-jacket. When the police and the psychiatrist arrived they sat down in chairs and looked at her, with great interest. "My husband," she said, "saw a unicorn this morning." The police looked at the psychiatrist and the psychiatrist looked at the police. "He told me it ate a lilly," she said. The psychiatrist looked at the police and the police looked at the psychiatrist. "He told me it had a golden horn in the middle of its forehead," she said. At a solemn signal from the psychiatrist, the police leaped from their chairs and seized the wife. They had a hard time subduing her, for she put up a terrific struggle, but they finally subdued her. Just as they got her into the strait-jacket, the husband came back into the house. "Did you tell your wife you saw a unicorn?" asked the police. "Of course not," said the husband. "The unicorn is a mythical beast." "That's all I wanted to know," said the psychiatrist. "Take her away. I'm sorry, sir, but your wife is as crazy as a jaybird." So they took her away, cursing and screaming, and shut her up in an institution. The husband lived happily ever after. Moral: Don't count your boobies until they are hatched.


Allocation of my college time As we enter college, we hope to fully use our potentials as well as time to fulfill our dreams. Nobody would like to waste their time doing trivials. Approaching success, in college, might be the desires of mass students. First of all, it is necessary for us to figure out the composition of our issue. The goal of the issue we are talking about is to seek success during our campus time. The factors which lead to the ultimate results are composed of positive factors and negative ones. To reach our goal, we need to avoid our tendency towards negative ones, and the remaining are just what we want. A good habit is formulated trough long times of repetition and exercise. Seeking success and unique points toward your college life needs long duration of pains-taking practice. There is much more that we should do. OK了。谢谢。

求两篇外国名著英语读后感要英语原文 300左右


Shakspere (wrong spelling) created Hamlet--a man with wisdom and courage .In order to revenge on his uncle for killing his father, he pretented (spelling mistake) to be mad and suffered a series of misery. On the contrary, we can also say that Hamlet is rude and selfish for he did not think twice before his revenge . if (Capitalize "If" since it is the beginning word of the sentence.) a country has no king, how can a country keep alive (You need a question mark here since it is a question.) So, every thing has two sides, the bright side and adumbral side. Every time we make a decision we have to think twice.


Be careful with your spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Too many uncessary mistakes.

It is good that you looked at both the dark and bright sides of Hamlet. Thats quite objective and convincing.


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