

04月16日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[简爱读后感,简爱读后感600字]简爱读后感简爱这本书称得上是一本文坛巨著,我一直想读。九象网13: .9xwang.这次,我省下零花钱,终于去新华书店把她买回家,细细地读。读完后,发现这本书对我的启发非常大。 这里...+阅读


近段时间一直在拧一些乱乱的文字,看得乱流突袭,开始发觉在生活中讲话都失去语感。于是产生了懒惰情绪,不愿意再在艰涩晦深的问题中继续停留,转而回身读一些小时候所看的东西。第一本看的,便是《简爱》。 《简爱》是这么一本东西。我的英文水平,是可以读原文的,但是看着那令人目眩的动辄三四行的长句,往往就望而却步。手头一个版本是黄源深翻译的。感觉还不错。随看随翻。在午后阳光和一杯乌龙茶的帮助下,我成功的做到了神游物外,逃避现实,重新回到初一时第一次读这本书的记忆中。 我在读初一前,看的大多是古书,或者白话文。所以我现在能用现代语写作和勾引MM,启蒙者是我初一暑假读的那一堆西方文学著作。这一点,我认同王小波的话:真正的现代汉语,是一群伟大的翻译家留下来的。

从这个意义上来讲,他们是我语言的老师。 对于《简爱》,早先我是完全被它的语言所打倒。如痴如醉,魂牵梦萦,有段时间张口闭口都在学那种英国式优雅的口吻。小时候图个好玩,没对情节具体参悟,在心目中这就是一部完美华丽的诗歌。是记忆花园中最后的秘藏。但是重新读过一遍之后,语言的流丽依旧,却在情节与构思中发现了一些别的。 听过一个说法,就是《简爱》发表之初,有人认为它和《呼啸山庄》出自同一人手笔。如果现在来看,我得承认的是,《呼啸》的水平,怕是在《简爱》之上多矣。语言方面我没资格去斤斤计较——英文还没到如此水平——仅仅论及结构和流势,如此而已。 我在重读《简爱》的过程中,发现了一些令我不安的东西。那些东西附身于小说的夹缝之中。

我之不安是在于:我已对其产生隐约的不满,而我又不想去忤逆我曾经至爱的经典。无论如何,我在行文之中,发现了一些不令我愉快的东西。 《简爱》被万众所热爱的,大约是其作者的自尊与平凡——或者说,是夏洛特的自尊与平凡。那是一个灵魂炽热而外表简单的女子。这一形象无疑是不朽的经典。可是与其夫罗切斯特一样,这个形象始终在用一种类似于自傲的口吻言论——他们对于他人的鄙薄,多多少少,曾经使我快慰,现在却令我不安。夏洛特托身于简爱, 这是我所知道的。但我所感觉到的是:她对于高层贵族的鄙薄与一种近乎敌视的态度,有些刻意了。反过来说,我从中读到了自卑的情绪。 简爱是个敏感而容易受伤的女子。开头用了太长的篇幅来叙述她幼时的情景。

但是我感觉到的是,在叙述简爱这个人物时,夏洛特不曾将自己离开这个躯壳,所以她也没有用全知角度叙述。如此一来,她所描述的差不多可以认定是她的意见。那么,我在简爱中,看到的是某种情绪化的自卑,而后是近乎于传奇的爱情——惟其传奇性,昭示了某种不真实与幻想性——和最后一个几乎有点硬凑的结尾。她遇到了JOHN RIVERS。虽然前头有笔,但还不是那么自然。夏洛特对于简爱的处理,开头非常真实,中间段非常精彩,但是隐伏着不安,到了结尾,则几乎归于俗套——一个我料到的俗套。最后无疑是皆大欢喜,带一点感伤。她的铺垫和衔接很完美,几感觉不到瑕疵。但是我隐约间感到的是,这是一个人间女子编造的故事。它已经缺少了令我战栗的小说结构——更多的时候,我读到了简爱离开山庄,就没再读下去。

如果我是夏洛特,或许我就会在那里结束。因为之后的一切,在我看来,比之于前,是很拙劣的。 比较于《呼啸》的急风暴雨,《简爱》的安静,其实倒象是装出来的。夏洛特和爱米利一样,其实是内心很TOUGH的人。她们的心必须在疾风中飞扬,因为过于容易受伤。爱米利一飞冲天,写下了真正浩荡的文字。而《简爱》,则在某种内在情绪的矛盾下,写出了一个自己在不断斗争的故事。这一方面,有些象雨果同样自我斗争的《九三年》。






Jane eyre is British literature history handed a classical work, succeeds in making the first English literature to the love, the life, social and religious took the independence of positive attitude and dare to fight for freedom and equal status, and dare to the image of women.

A love foreign literary works of women, like to read charlotte's Jane eyre. If we think charlotte's write about that period for only lingering of love and write Jane eyre. I think, wrong. The author is also a woman living in fluctuation changing England in the 19 th century, when thoughts have a new start. And in Jane eyre penetration of the most is the idea--women independent consciousness. Let's imagine that if Jane's ?


Lonely people who listen to friends to read some useful books to enrich their own lives. Since when do not know, I was famous in the world have a special feeling, my favorite is a classic "Jane Eyre", although my book was pirated, I still relish to read the entire book. "Jane Eyre" Jiang Xu, a girl named Jane Eyre's story, she did not father nor mother, and led a poor life. But she firmly believes: While I can not choose to wealth, but I can choose life! Her efforts to study and work hard to live the ultimate independent property and loved ones. The plot are tear-jerking scenes, makes stronger. I began to understand the true meaning of life. I tried to brave and strong to live, despite the very hard very busy, but also sometimes very hard, but enriched OK. Helen Jane Eyre's friends will die due to infectious diseases, Jane Eyre, without fear of life spent with her last night, their outspoken words, life to death I am deeply moved by the friendship, yes ah, Jane Eyre childhood by foster families in the throat where Medvedev, where Medvedev will be abused because of jealousy, she bullied people around him, and she had only Helen, who through their ups and downs of the interest in the common living, but could be heaven so cruelly took away Helen ... ... long-suffering of Jane Eyre, Mr. Rochester finally returned to the side, but he yet blind and arthropods. Jane talking with her eyes, silently watching Rochester. It was at that moment, feeling the Rochester of Jane Eyre - his little fairy to come back, they start talking clenched around what happened, and vowed never to separate, I was deeply moved forward, I see more Wai The more difficult for people to really love more unforgettable! Two years ago, life chose me mercilessly. I can not university, while facing the cruel reality I yielded. Mom and Dad did not afford to pay my tuition fees so high, I can only destined to be selected. Finally, I chose the teacher, where I spent most of his most memorable period of time alone, "Jane Eyre" empty and tasteless to make up my life, I think I already have a Jane Eyre, with her, though I do not can choose to wealth, but I can choose an optimistic attitude towards life. I tried to cheer up, and try hard to live in the brave. In learning, I do my best effort to learn, but also actively participate in other school activities, this road, there are flowers there are also tears, applause, I am learning very quickly to catch up, and in the school's essay contest, winter cross-country event, the Games that I have won numerous awards. I have rediscovered himself. Everyone had to survive in every folder, in the face of adversity and development. Required setbacks, the challenges of life, it is a perfect beautiful life! Life is changing, and perhaps it is like an instant the wind blew gave people has never been straightforward. Maybe it is like hanging a rainbow in the sky, but the creation of the world's most beautiful miracle! Embrace of "Jane Eyre" It gave me more than these. I fully understand: I should be strong to live, and strive to be alive. Although the sky without my footsteps, but I'm flying! Although I can not choose to wealth, but I can choose life! Can of friends said the lonely people needs to read a few good useful books , the life strengthening self. The when to begin without the knowledge of from, I have had one kind of peculiar affection to a world-famous book , my most delighted one masterpiece has been that I had better had finished reading a complete book with good relish despite of my that book is a pirate's "letter likes ",. "Letter likes " say the story having narrated a girl who is called simple loving, she does not have dad also having no the block of wood mother, live in poverty. But, she firmly believes that: Although I can not choose wealth,I can choose life! Her effort study about works , effort field life owns the independent property and loved one ultimately. The curtains circumstance is all weepy , makes person further strengthen. I begin to have understood the true meaning of life. I am trying brave live firmly, despite of very busily occupied , also risking the life very much sometimes very laboriously , but rich fine. Simple loving friend Helen will die because of infectious disease , simple love fears that the field accompanies her to have spent a final evening of life , they lead true utterance not in the least , that the friendship being parted in life and separated by death has touched me deeply, is to simplify love being entrusted to the care of cruel Madam Lide family from childhood Oh, Madam Lide just abuses her since jealous , the people on every side also bullies him , she only has Helen, they go by disturbances together , have lived under ...


简爱读后感简爱读后感 共有范文三篇范文一:《简爱》是一本具有多年历史的文学著作。九象网13: .9xwang.至今已152年的历史了。它的成功在于它详细的内容,精彩的片段。在译序中,它还详细地...

《简爱》的读后感《简爱》是一本具有多年历史的文学著作。至今已152年的历史了。它的成功在于它详细的内容,精彩的片段。在译序中,它还详细地介绍了《简爱》的作者一些背景故事。 从中我了解到...

《简爱》读后感《简爱》是一部带有自转色彩的长篇小说,它阐释了这样一个主题:人的价值=尊严+爱。 简.爱生存在一个父母双亡,寄人篱下的环境,从小就承受着与同龄人不一样的待遇,姨妈的嫌弃,表姐的蔑...

简爱读后感英文简爱读后感英文_简爱英文读后感 (一) This is a story about a special and unreserved woman who has been exposed to a hostile environment but continuously and fearles...

简爱的读后感难道就因为我一贫如洗,默默无闻,长相平庸,个子瘦小,就没有灵魂,没有心肠了你想错了,我的心灵跟你一样丰富,我的心胸一样充实! 《简爱》夏洛蒂 《简爱》是英国文学史上的一部经典传...

简爱英语读后感Oliver Twist, one of the most famous works of Charles Dickens, is a novel reflecting the tragic fact of the life in Britain in 18th century. The author who hims...

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