搜到的啦、珍珠港 On December 7, 1941 before dawn, Japan for eliminated the south boundexpanded war the main barrier, to beautifully attacked without priornotice, the date united fleets in commander Guanshan this 56 naviessenior general's planning with the direction under, its airplane andthe submarine suddenly attacked US Pacific fleet base Pearl harbor aswell as the United States Army and navy's in Hawaii all United Statesmilitary airport and many the naval vessel which anchored in Pearlharbor. Does not guard against US'S 12 battleships and other ships areattacked and sunk or wreck, 188 airplanes are destroyed, 2,400Americans lost life, only the Arizona number battleship explodes whenthe submersion has over a thousand dead. "The Pearl Harbor Incident"the matter sent after second days on December 8, US has abandoned "theisolated principle", Congress has carried unanimously the resolutionwhich declared war to the date. American President Roosevelt signedproclaimed the war declaration, and announcement on December 7 for US"national humiliation date". "The Pearl Harbor Incident" thoroughlyhas been involved in US Second World War.
If you ask me what my favourite animal.I can tell you pandas are my favourite.I like the pandas not only because they are one of the China's treasures,but also because they looks cute.
Pandas are very fat and hairy.They have two colours:white and black.The panda'sd face,back and stomach are all white,their eyes nose legs and arms are all black.
The pandas like eating bamboo.Using the paws,he chew the bamboo very slowly with his mouth.
There are two pandas called tuantuan and yuanyuan will send to Taiwan.
Whale are huge animals. They live in the sea and eat small fish and other sea life. One intere sting fact is whales can jump high out of water. Some kinds of whales are in danger because humans catch them formeat,fat,and oil,and use whale parts to make candles and soap. Whales are also in danger from water pollution. We should protect whales by making rules on whale protection and by not putting rubbish into the sea. I think people should learn more about whales鲸鱼是巨大的动物。他们住在大海和吃小的鱼类和其他海洋生物。一个兴趣刺痛的事实是鲸鱼能跳很高的水。某些种类的鲸鱼是危险的,因为人类抓注,脂肪,油,用鲸鱼部分做蜡烛和肥皂。从水污染鲸鱼也处于危险之中。我们应该保护鲸鱼,鲸鱼保护规则,不把垃圾放入大海。我认为人们应该更多的了解鲸鱼...
Marine environment is one in water, seawater tolerance hydrolyzate and suspended solids, seabed sediment and marine organisms, including complex systems. Ocean rich biological resources, mineral resources, chemical resources and power resources is an indispensable resource treasure house of human beings, with human survival and development of the relationship very close.The main objective of the current marine conservation is to protect the living marine resources, so as not to failure, in order for human sustainable use. In particular, give priority to protect those valuable and critically endangered marine life. According to the UN for investigation, due to overfishing, accidental capture and killing of non-target to allow hunting of marine, coastal shoreline construction, mangrove deforestation, widespread marine pollution, at least the world's 25 most valuable fishery resources depleted, whales, sea turtles, manatees and many other marine animals face extinction risk. Is expected that with the expansion of the scale of ocean development,Marine living resources are likely to cause more damage.The task of the first marine protected right to stop over-exploitation of living marine resources and secondly to protect the habitat of marine life or habitat, in particular, their migration, spawning, foraging, avoiding predators coast, tidal flats, estuaries, coral reefs, it is necessary to prevent the heavy metals, pesticides, oil, organic and easy to produce nutrients such as eutrophication of marine pollution. Preservation of the marine living resources of the natural regeneration capacity and water purification capacity, preservation of the marine ecological balance, to ensure sustainable human development and utilization of the oceans.海洋环境是一种在水、海水、宽容和悬浮固体物水解液海洋底质和海洋生物,包括复杂的系统。
珍珠鸟读后感今天,本站的小编为你搜集到了的读后感的信息,内容齐全,敬请收看!FANWEN51.; 《珍珠鸟》这篇课文讲述了作者的朋友送了他一对珍珠鸟,日久天长,珍珠鸟就依赖于他,生下小鸟后,小鸟也慢...
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白鲸记英文读后感白鲸记英文读后感 Moby-Dick is a highly symbolic work, and is interesting in that it also addresses issues such as natural history. Other themes include obsessio...
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白鲸读后感英文版白鲸读后感英文版 In this story has the very major part is the author by oneself experience. The master calls by the solid Masurium advantage, once has gone to s...
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珍珠鸟的读后感您好! 读完《珍珠鸟》,我终于明白了信赖在交往中发挥的重要作用了 “信赖,往往创造出美好的境界。” 这是作者在与一只小鸟的交往中发出的感慨,一只胆小的珍珠鸟,在与作者真诚的...
求白鲸读后感 3000字!急![《白鲸》读后感]花了一个假期的时间读了《白鲸》真本书,深深地被作者细腻的文笔所吸引,更被里面的人无精神所震撼,《白鲸》读后感.在一望无际,神秘莫测的大海上,夕阳西下,旭日东...
大白鲸或珍珠港的读后感英语的大白鲸或珍珠港的读后感英语的,我最喜欢的动物是白鲸英语作文70字:搜到的啦、珍珠港 On December 7, 1941 before dawn, Japan for eliminated the south boundexpanded war t...