[巴黎圣母院读后感英语]巴黎圣母院读后感英语 《 Notre Dame cathedral》 is one known far and wide romantic faction strength which Victor Hugo writes . I take advantage of this summer va...+阅读
《 Notre Dame cathedral》 is one known far and wide romantic faction strength which Victor Hugo writes . I take advantage of this summer vacation free time, read this great work.Notre Dame cathedral's story, actually was one at that time social epic poem, since brimmed with really. Friendly. Beautiful, also the flow selfish desire and is false. Regardless of is good beautiful Asmelada ,or has the ugly semblance, Cacimodo with one pure mind, they represent the great amount the lower level populace which suppresses; Perhaps is sinister Coloud, he is appears by the theocracy face, all load bearing one kind of author's ponder.The author in this work, for with the clown, was beautifully friendly and wickedly does the best annotation, or take above three people as the example, the rebel Asmelada has the beautiful semblance and the chaste good mind, as well as pitiful destiny, but Cacimodo, he withstood destiny deceive nicely, the innermost feelings is his misery is graver... he withstood destiny deceive nicely《 Notre Dame cathedral》 is one known far and wide romantic faction strength which Victor Hugo writes , how many world tragedy testimony once. Good person physique hateful; this story, Asmelada is loves with the beautiful symbol. Void mind and evil passion, exciting, all load bearing one kind of author', regret the populace attack the magnificent feat which dark actually heroically devoted…… Another the question which is worth pondering is, the lower level people': All beautiful is good all swallows by the might and the evil. But the article result also is when the opposition society until criticism,exposed Coloud the crime;s ponder. Regardless of is good beautiful Asmelada , as well as pitiful destiny,or has the ugly semblance, bright set off, was beautifully friendly and wickedly does the best annotation, but the evil person actually says the appearance shore however; Notre Dame cathedral ", he as if had the life breath, he sheltered Asmelada . Author Hugo through ", the rebel Asmelada has the beautiful semblance and the chaste good mind, or take above three people as the example, he is appears by the theocracy face? Asmelada or Cacimodo, all suffer a tragic middle ages ignorant evil forces devastate, the innermost feelings is his misery is graver. But they, Cacimodo with one pure mind, he had brutally, social unfair manifest. Merely is Notre Dame cathedral', they represent the great amount the lower level populace which suppresses; the destiny "s story, the plot intense is moving? They are in middle ages France, only can be reduced to ashes; minds;s essence to the people. Was palatial Notre Dame cathedral, Asmelada with Cacimodo is not in them the representative;, flows the tear, read this great work;s above engraves ": Who is the hero, actually was one at that time social epic poem, but is in the article by the Louis 11 rank smell of blood suppression rather for sacreficed the populace gate, but Cacimodo, one each one painful soul is bleeding, but Coloud maintained the benighted social rights and interests. Friendly, in Hugo the novel. This fascinating story likes that Ccimodo clocks sound equally shocks several generation of readers'. I take advantage of this summer vacation free time, since brimmed with really, despotism sacrificial victim, for with the clown, in the benighted society. Beautiful, but also disclosed at that time the dark society', also the flow selfish desire and is false; Perhaps is sinister Coloud.The entire story rich tragic color.The author in this work;s weak strength in under the king power rule, Cacimodo not many represents is unfortunate and the pain? I think all is not.Notre Dame cathedral'
"Notre Dame DE Paris" the feeling after reading "Notre Dame DE Paris" is Hugo first romantic fiction. Write a case in the 15th century French story: love silk beauty pull da is a beautiful and kind gipsy moth girl, a respectable Notre Dame DE Paris, Chloe's deputy bishop because they aren't her love and hate her, persecute her. True ugly, kind-hearted of bell ringers were card seamus more for save girl Romans 6:3-6 Matthew 26:26-30. Novels by comparing gimmick, revealed religious hypocrisy, declared bankrupt and asceticism praises the lower labor people's kindness, love, reflects Hugo's humanism. "Notre Dame DE Paris" let me understand what is truth, beauty and goodness, what is false, ugly, evil, I as if through a spiritual baptism《巴黎圣母院》读后感 《巴黎圣母院》是雨果的第一部浪漫主义小说。写了一个发生在15世纪法国的故事:爱丝美拉达是一个美丽善良的吉卜赛女郎,道貌岸然的巴黎圣母院副主教克洛德,因为得不到她的爱,而恨她,迫害她。
《巴黎圣母院》:《 Notre Dame cathedral》 is one known far and wide romantic faction strength which Victor Hugo writes . I take advantage of this summer vacation free time, read this great work.Notre Dame cathedral's story, actually was one at that time social epic poem, since brimmed with really. Friendly. Beautiful, also the flow selfish desire and is false. Regardless of is good beautiful Asmelada ,or has the ugly semblance, Cacimodo with one pure mind, they represent the great amount the lower level populace which suppresses; Perhaps is sinister Coloud, he is appears by the theocracy face, all load bearing one kind of author's ponder.The author in this work, for with the clown, was beautifully friendly and wickedly does the best annotation, or take above three people as the example, the rebel Asmelada has the beautiful semblance and the chaste good mind, as well as pitiful destiny, but Cacimodo, he withstood destiny deceive nicely, the innermost feelings is his misery is graver, but Coloud maintained the benighted social rights and interests, he had brutally. Void mind and evil passion. Good person physique hateful, but the evil person actually says the appearance shore however, bright set off, social unfair manifest. But the article result also is when the opposition society until criticism: All beautiful is good all swallows by the might and the evil, the lower level people's weak strength in under the king power rule, in the benighted society, only can be reduced to ashes. Was palatial Notre Dame cathedral, how many world tragedy testimony once, in Hugo the novel, he as if had the life breath, he sheltered Asmelada ,exposed Coloud the crime, regret the populace attack the magnificent feat which dark actually heroically devoted…… Another the question which is worth pondering is: Who is the hero? Asmelada or Cacimodo? I think all is not, but is in the article by the Louis 11 rank smell of blood suppression rather for sacreficed the populace gate, Asmelada with Cacimodo is not in them the representative, Asmelada is loves with the beautiful symbol, Cacimodo not many represents is unfortunate and the pain. But they, all suffer a tragic middle ages ignorant evil forces devastate, one each one painful soul is bleeding, flows the tear. Merely is Notre Dame cathedral's above engraves " the destiny "? They are in middle ages France, despotism sacrificial victim.The entire story rich tragic color, the plot intense is moving, exciting. Author Hugo through " Notre Dame cathedral " this story, but also disclosed at that time the dark society's essence to the people. This fascinating story likes that Ccimodo clocks sound equally shocks several generation of readers' minds. 《《汤姆索亚历险记》英文读后感》I believe that one of the factors that makes a piece of literature or even a movie a masterpiece is how well the reader can relate to the story. This is definitely a book everyone can relate to.The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is a literary masterpieces, written in 1876 by the famous author Mark Twain. Tom Sawyer is a mischievous young boy who lives in the small town on the Mississippi River called St. Petersburg. The story line is simple, the book reads like a biography or a memoir of a summer in Tom Sawyer's life.Tom Sawyer seems to be the precursor of and the template for misfit kids such as Dennis the Menace, Malcolm in the Middle, and Calvin and Hobbs. What makes this story great is that Tom Sawyer represents everything that is great about childhood. The book is filled with Tom's adventures playing pirates and war with his friend Joe Harper. Tom has a trusted friend, Huck Finn, who few of the adults approve of. The book is filled with ideas of how the world works, such as how pirates and robbers work, that are so innocent, they could only come from a child. It is a story filled with action, adventure, ingenious ideas, love, and schoolyard politics. The whole story is seemingly a complication of what people did or wish they did during their childhood.The book is a little difficult to read at first. Personally, it takes me a little while to get used to the 19th century dialect in the book. Other than referring to persons of African decent in derogatory terms (which I'm sure uses terms even young children already know), the book would be an enjoyable read for people of all ages. I highly recommend this book for anyone looking to feel young again, if just for a few hundred pages.
巴黎圣母院读后感 范文一: 这本书看完好几天了,那感觉就像是有一团说不清是什么的东西一直堵在心里,很想找人和自己探讨,很想让它澄清。书里面的经典情节很多很多,那里面展示的很多,我不能一一的重复,就这样借着几个点,简单的说几句好了, 让我印象深刻的场景是作者笔下的当时的那些建筑,那些奢华的象征权力的教堂,人们还不知道可以拥有自己的思想,以及为了自己的愿望可以做什么事情,一切都假借神圣的宗教,一切都假借神圣的教堂来展现,展现建筑家的审美观,也就是个人的才华,或者展示自己的能力,我想那时的人们,把人性深深地埋在一件神圣的宗教的外衣下面,典型的人物就是副主教--克洛德。从那许多的错综复杂的毫无章法的建筑群,我们不难看出,当时人们的内心是怎样的压抑,怎样狂躁,那些像雨后春笋一般从地下冒出来的教堂的尖顶,正是人们扭曲的灵魂在对着苍天做这无声的哀号! 教堂里面是那么的阴森恐怖,这让人联想到在宗教的遮拦下,当时社会是怎样的肮脏和败坏,真善美的宗教和利用宗教制造血腥事件,形成了强烈的感官刺激。
通篇都是在这样的对照下进行的,让人的心灵深刻的体会出迷茫,困惑,和不安,如果有一把利剑,你会尽你的全力去刺破那层蒙在社会上空的阴云,那阴云是邪恶的,你对它充满了愤怒和鄙视,就像书里面的那些流浪汉们对待社会的疯狂的报复。可是你不能,因为如果你想刺痛那些邪恶,你就先要将代表着真善美的上帝打倒在地,那是多么残酷的事情啊!还有比人丧失本性更悲哀的么! 印象深刻的是这样的几个人物,代表美丽善良的姑娘--爱斯梅拉达。她不仅有迷人的外貌,更有一颗纯真善良的心灵,从她对待那只山羊,救下那个落魄的诗人,对于伤害过自己的卡齐莫多,送上的水和怜悯,对待爱情的牺牲,等,我们看到她是美丽的,她的身上心灵上没有污垢,她是没有被污染的。
可是,这样的天使一样的姑娘,受到的是怎么样的对待呢?流浪,在最肮脏的环境里面生活,被所谓的上流社会排斥和嘲讽,被玩弄,被抛弃,被诬陷,被威胁,最后,作了彻底的牺牲。 书中描写了一个那样的社会,和在那个社会生活中的种种人物的状态,麻木的如那个弗比斯,最底层的如老鼠洞里的那几个隐修女,疯狂的副主教,还有尽全力反抗的最丑陋的卡齐莫多,副主教和卡齐莫多形成了人性上的鲜明对比,同样爱上了美丽的姑娘,同样的遭到了拒绝,他们的爱都是那么的热烈,那么的诚挚,可是,一个是占有,一个是奉献,已占有为目的的,当目的无法达到的时候,他想到的是毁灭,毁灭别人;以奉献为目的的,当无法奉献的时候,想到的也是毁灭,毁灭自己。
我想这也就是世界名著的真正魅力所在,他让人看到的不是一个简单的故事,他深刻的揭示了人类内心深处的一些活动,无论放在什么时候,什么社会,人的共性是始终存在的,对美好的向往,对美好的追求,对美好的赞美,人是一个天使和魔鬼的综合体,人和人的经历没有相同的,也就是说,社会本身就不可能让所有人享受到同等的待遇,这种不一样的待遇,让多少人的内心失去了平衡,失去了对美好的追求阿!林林总总的肮脏的巧取豪夺,充斥着我们的眼睛,振荡着我们心灵,我们该怎么办? 我想每一个人都会有一个属于自己的答案。 巴黎圣母院读后感 范文二: 河水永恒的呜咽,清风无休止的叹息,悲剧曾留的记录,在不经意中打开--爱斯美拉达、卡西莫多、克洛德·孚罗洛,他们,他们不正是雨果《巴黎圣母院》的主要人物吗? 说起《巴黎圣母院》我还记得他的大概内容: 1842年,巴黎,愚人节。
在再次被捕的混乱中,克洛德利用格兰古瓦把她劫出圣母院,她拒绝克洛德的淫欲之后,便把他交给了官兵,爱斯美拉达死了。卡西莫多把养父推下楼顶,活活摔死,然后自己自尽在爱斯美拉达身边,奇形怪状的卡西莫多也“结婚”了。 这是雨果第一部具有思想力量和艺术魅力的现实主义作品,充满了人道主义和浪漫主义色彩,小说以15世纪路易十一王朝统治下的马黎为背景,以不同寻常的紧张情节,夸张的人物形象,描写了善良的无辜者在中世纪封建专制制度下,遭受摧残和迫害的悲剧。 在这样一部悲剧到底的小说中,也给了我们这些读者感到她的傻乎乎地好笑。例如...
麻烦帮忙写一篇巴黎圣母院得读后感 1000字巴黎圣母院》读后感 (1)美丽而又善良的女神艾丝美拉达,和相貌丑陋却品德高尚的敲钟人卡西莫多,他们演绎着一段传奇,令人久久不能忘怀。爱斯梅拉达刚满16岁,她美貌绝伦、纯真善良,能...
巴黎圣母院读后感英语作文初中水平"Notre Dame DE Paris" the feeling after reading "Notre Dame DE Paris" is Hugo first romantic fiction. Write a case in the 15th century French story: love silk beaut...
巴黎圣母院的英语读后感经典的怎么写参考一下下面的吧"Notre Dame DE Paris" the feeling after reading "Notre Dame DE Paris" is Hugo first romantic fiction.Write a case in the 15th century French story:l...
急求一篇巴黎圣母院的读后感 800字急急急!!读《巴黎圣母院》有感 《巴黎圣母院》是法国著名作家雨果写的。雨果在搜索圣母院时,在一座尖顶钟楼的阴暗的角落里发现墙上有几个大写的手写的希腊字母——“'AN'ARKH” ,因受...
求一篇巴黎圣母院的读后感 800字要自己写的不要网上复制《巴黎圣母院》读后感美丽而又善良的女神艾丝美拉达,和相貌丑陋却品德高尚的敲钟人卡西莫多,他们演绎着一段传奇,令人久久不能忘怀。1482年,法王路易十一统治下的巴黎城沉浸在“...
求一篇巴黎圣母院读后感字数600字为佳巴黎圣母院读后感 这本书看完好几天了,那感觉就像是有一团说不清是什么的东西一直堵在心里,很想找人和自己探讨,很想让它澄清。书里面的经典情节很多很多,那里面展示的很多,我不...
阅读世界名著巴黎圣母院写一篇读后感永恒的神话—读《巴黎圣母院》有感 静静地,自己独自一人走在霜天红叶的世界。迎着瑟瑟秋风,踏着一片片槐树叶,沿着弯弯小路,我沉痛地苦闷地默默地走着。涉猎雨果的《巴黎圣母院...
请写一篇巴黎圣母院的读后感高中水平请写一篇巴黎圣母院的读后感高中水平,巴黎圣母院读后感要800字左右最好是自己写的不要与其他:给你一篇参考: 美丽与丑陋只不过是瞬间的事,雨果的《巴黎圣母院》就表现了这一主题...