[狗狗历险记读后感]今天我去看姥姥,弟弟也去了。九象网13: .9xwang.到了姥姥家,我和弟弟的老师都让写读后感,于是我们看起了书,我和弟弟经常换书看,这次我们也换了书,我借给弟弟了一本《格林童话》,弟...+阅读
In the article the dog dog is a love, love and master all master relevant human. In his love, very sincerely. For the master's gradually left out in the cold and no revenge, but brave with our love to master and family and still get along very well. Master for grew up, with their families, to the dog dog also have no love before. The dog dog but no resentment, just accept that. His bear. For his master no longer willing to mention, also still sincerely treatment. The master's little child, host for the children, but the dog dog to shut up, or even stay outside. The dog dog just want to master love as it like love of children, but often master were driven. Because after working relationship master transferred to can't keep pets apartment, and family members, master finally decided to put the dog dog to pet stores. Although the dog dog every day to eat, but not sorrow every day to see its master hope. Until one day, the dog dog day not long, arrived at the hospital. It in bed with their tender tail, issued in the last sentence of the world left their dear master, why to word of it? In the article the dog dog thought can use their own sincerely to restore the heart of the owner, was master hurt again and again, and finally cruel abandoned it. So heartfelt emotion between people are few. I believe that no matter what, as long as there is life will have their own thoughts and feelings, we should not suspect them. Pets is bright, heartfelt, they know you of good and bad, no matter good or bad, they will be more than you. Love your pet. Because they love is worth.
"Einstein," a book about such a story: in 1879 a small town in southern Germany, a small Jewish birth, he is Einstein; his juvenile life is confused, silent, extraordinary; his adult is the edge here; the middle-aged, he became a physical star. World War I broke out, the great family of Physics said: "I will not support the war, the signature will not support the war, war is a conspiracy careerist who suffered harm are innocent people." Albert Einstein relativistic thinking of the history of mankind's greatest achievements, though he was a great physicist, but also called on the people of the world should be of peace, tolerance and understanding of Einstein's old belief that "peace." In 1955, Einstein died, to go very quiet, the world lost the greatest scientists! Remembered him, in order to peace and bright future of mankind, he had waged an unyielding struggle. I think that Einstein in science has been able to achieve such good success is the result of his tireless efforts. Einstein's devotion to science and peace, the spirit of love I felt tribute. In my real life, there are some such examples. "Atypical pneumonia" during the白衣天使throwing a lot of family, fought in the "atypical pneumonia" in the front line, they are dedicated to the cause as well as the "SARS" patient care, this does not reproduce the spirit of Einstein is it? Because of this, I also thought of themselves, want to raise the reading level, it is necessary to have the spirit of Einstein's tenacity. Taking advantage of the word, not reading a typo, do not drop the word, the word read much more time to think about this carefully, so as to put my reading level, reading more, knowledge will be enriched, it is the accumulation of more, I can Einstein as to call for peace as the! By reading this book, I benefited from, I would like to Einstein, as the spirit of perseverance in the face of learning.
《 爱心树》是一本图文并茂很简短的故事书,对我的启发很大,感受很深,我是含着泪看完这本书的。
《 爱心树》只是一篇小小的连环画,为什么让我眼泪汪汪呢?让下面的内容给你答案吧!
在很久很久以前,有一棵苹果树,它非常喜欢一个小男孩。小男孩经常找树玩,吃树上的苹果,在树上荡秋千,或是在树下收集树叶,把他们做成皇冠,想象自己就是森林之王,累了,就在凉快的树荫里睡觉,大树快乐极了。但是,时间像弓箭一样快,男孩长大了,他不再找大树玩,大树经常感到寂寞,非常想念男孩。男孩第一次回来了,大树十分高兴,可是,男孩没有心情陪大树玩,他想买很多东西,需要钱,大树就给他苹果,让他拿到集市上去卖钱,男孩不假思索地照做了。男孩第二次回来找树,他有了妻子和孩子,需要一栋房子,大树又让他把自己的树枝砍断,拿去造房子,男孩毫不犹豫地用树枝造了一栋房子,大树依然很快乐。男孩第三次来找树,他老了,很累,需要一个地方休息,大树连忙让他坐在自己唯一剩下的树墩上,孩子马上坐下来了,大树仍然快乐。 就这样,大树无私地奉献了自己的所有,而男孩却始终都没有想到给予大树一点快乐。
附故事主要内容: 从前,有一棵树爱上了一个小男孩,那个小男孩每天都会跑到树下采集树叶,做成皇冠,想象自己就是森林之王。他也常常爬到树上,在树枝上荡秋千,吃树上结的苹果。可是,时间在流逝,男孩慢慢长大了,不再找大树玩了。大树很寂寞······有一天,男孩来找大树了,大树说:“孩子,爬到我身上来吧,在树枝上荡秋千,吃几个苹果,再到阴凉里玩一会儿,你会很快活的。”孩子说:“我已经长大了,不爱爬树玩了。我想买好玩的东西,我需要些钱,你能给我一些钱吗?”“很抱歉,我没有钱我只有树叶和苹果。”大树说。“把我的苹果拿去吧,孩子,把他们拿到城里卖掉,你就会有钱,就会快活了。”于是,孩子爬上大树,摘下树上的苹果,把它们拿走了,大树很快乐。很久很久,孩子没有再来看望大树······大树很难过。后来有一天,孩子又来了,大树高兴地摇晃着肢体,对孩子说:“来吧,孩子,爬到我的树干上,在树枝上荡秋千,你会很快活的!”“我有很多事要做,没有时间爬树了。我需要一栋房子保暖。我要娶个妻子,还要生好多孩子,所以我需要一栋房子,你能给我一栋房子吗?”“我没有房子,森林就是我的房子,但是你可以把我的树枝砍下来,拿去盖房,你就会快活了。”于是,男孩就把大树的树枝砍下来,把他们拿走,盖了一栋房子了。又过了很久,那孩子又来了。“非常抱歉,孩子。我没有什么可以给你了。我希望还能给你点什么东西······但是我什么都没有了。我现在只是个老树墩,真是抱歉······”“我现在需要的实在不多,只想找个安静的地方坐坐好好休息,我太累了。”孩子说。“那好吧。你看,我这个老树墩,正好叫你做在上面休息,来吧,孩子,坐下吧!”于是孩子坐下了,大树很快乐。
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