[查理和巧克力工厂读后感100字]查理和巧克力工厂读后感100字 (一) 读了查理和巧克力工厂后我深有感触:一个人不能太贪心,太骄傲。 查理和巧克力工厂讲述的是一个名叫查理的小男孩的到了全世界只有5张的金券,他...+阅读
my summer vacation
In summer vacation.I did a lot of things. I had a good rest after a hardworking term. I did my homework every day in order to finish doing it on time. Of course, I visited my friends and played table tennis with them. I took an English course and a tennis course so that I can make a great progress in English and practice playing tennis. And I spent a week in Hainan Island with my parents because I like the beach very much. I think I had a wonderful and meaningful summer vacation.
"Guicai," director Tim Burton's masterpiece - "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory." Mainly on the film: One day, Willy Wang card, announced a notice, he will open five lucky children a "mystery and magic" and the Chocolate Factory. Apart from being visited factories, they can never get enough to eat chocolate and other candy. The world suddenly set off the purchase of Wang card licensing chocolate craze, the lucky one after another and there. The first is like the奥古斯塔斯Puyinpusi, thinking but do not love a day like sweets to the mouth of the Cypriot fat boy. Next was a spoiled little girl family Kasuoerte Wei Lu, the third is the lucky winner Weiaolite chewing gum, she only care about their own backpack to constantly with the spoils of war. Mike is the last one, like a gaming and always like to show off his clever than others little boy. The coupons are four former owner, the last opportunity to come in on the small Charles. Poorest in the snow on the Charles was found on a coin, so he bought the chocolate and found the last one of the coupons, as the last one lucky man . Visit the Chocolate Factory, the process is a strange experience. Small Charles, and grandfather each visitors were present from the scene and the smell of Pubi amazing. Fei Liu直下chocolate waterfall, leading sailing ship brown chocolate syrup in the river, the lush green grass chewing gum, Manshanbianye milk sugar. Chocolate factory workers all love chocolate dwarves of the dwarves. Enormous "sugar-coated bullets" to the other four children have lost their self-made, some of them into the chocolate river, and some turned into candy, and some were sent to the scrap furnace, some drilling into the TV signal Particles. For all this, small Charlie unmoved, the most incredible thing happened. For Charles adhere to the final, Mr. Wan Ka told him the Chocolate Factory, the last on a secret: Charlie will be the new owner of the factory. In this film are two of the most touching is the plot. First, Charlie their birthday gift to the people at the scene. When Charles said: "Chocolate is my, I am willing to give us points." My tears, to slide down so easily. That family members, sitting together, sharing the screen chocolate, as in the dark of night, like the bowl of fire lit up my heart. Yes ah! What this world than the family's too important » Another person touched by the circumstances is that when Charles explained that a firm "No, I will not leave my family, even if the use of chocolate to change the world", so the answer wonka was surprised that such a wise and The sensible boy, is doomed to make the hearts of everyone on the Oasis. Through this film, I think it tells us to do things to children to pursue Lee, do not covet the enjoyment and utilitarian.
I was extremely pleased with the new Charlie and The Chocolate Factory movie, remake of the 70's Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. Tim Burton did an excellent job recreating the original lines and incorporating his own interpretation, which made this 2005's version exciting, comedic and entertaining. I loved the mix of characters that starred - some rookies and some vets - their roles were played magnificently. I was also very pleased with Johnny Depp's performance in relation to the original Willy Wonka. I arrived thinking his role was going to be like most every other role he's played, with his own attitude. But, it was totally different from what everyone was used to, and it was hilarious. I loved the mix of sarcasm and comedy. The audience was full of a mix of different ages and everyone was laughing and really getting into it. The end was one of the best parts because everyone thought it was going to end negatively, but of course they made it even better than the original. Everyone was on their feet and clapping for a job well done.
- 《查理和他的巧克力工厂》观后感 查理是一个贫穷家的孩子。他家里有爸爸妈妈还有四位老人,一家人挤在一个很破很旧的小房子里,生活有些艰苦。所以小查理每年只能吃一次巧克力。这一年,威力(拥有世界上最大的巧克力工厂)发出通知:邀请五个吃到有金奖券的巧克力的小朋友去他的工厂参观,这对任何一个小朋友都是一个天大的好消息。小查理也不例外。但他只有一块巧克力,也是今年唯一的一块,但上天似乎并不可怜这个乖巧的小男孩,没有中。爷爷拿出他的私房钱让他再买一块,结果也不尽如人意。这天,雪下得又大又厚,小查理自己走在大街上,忽然他在地上捡到了钱,于是赶紧去商店买了一块巧克力,让他开心的是,他中了最后一个奖,他飞快地跑回家将这个消息告诉家人。
一家人都开心极了。 于是参观就这样开始了。在这个过程中,小查理表现好极了,他很乖,很善良。没有威力的允许,他从不擅自碰任何东西,里面真的是一个又奇异又漂亮的世界,他的控制力很强。不像其他小朋友,很贪婪,很没有礼貌。最后小查理赢了,因为只剩下他自己了。其他人都令威力很讨厌,威力要将整个巧克力工厂作为礼物送给小查理,但是前提是不能带家长,小查理毅然决然地拒绝了他,因为在他看来,全世界也没有家人重要。威力开始反思自己,自己曾经因为梦想抛弃了父亲,但现在梦想实现了,但仍然感到所做的很没有意义。结局最后威力收获了家人和亲情,而小查理收获了巨大的巧克力工厂。 亲情是每个人一生的宝贵财富,是任何物质都替带不了。
查理和巧克力工厂读后感英文查理和巧克力工厂读后感英文 (一) Tim did give us a beautiful chocolate factory where there are dwarfs , purest chocolate, rooms made from candies and equipments wh...
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