

12月14日 编辑 fanwen51.com




With the first charpter did not understand what was happenning till i got to read the whole book. Well here Jack i thing wrote this book relating this to humans though he used dogs ,just like what he wrote in the Call of the Wild. He is really an interesting writer who wrights interesting novels or books. After reading this story about white fang you will see how good the book is. This particular story is about a dog named White Fang. White Fang takes place in 1897 in a forest and an indian village. Also, White Fang ends up in California. White Fang, a half-wolf half-dog mix, has only had love when he was a puppy, and I would barely call that love. I believe this book is a realistic fiction novel. It has real life situations, for a wild wolf. For example, when White Fangs tries to hunt during a famine, a time when food is scarce, he gets attacked by a vicious, angry lynx, a cougar-like animal. I myself, could only relate to Weedon Scott, White Fangs late owner. He saw White Fang hurt and tried to help him. It's the same with me. I like to care for animals. White Fang was tormented all through cub-hood by Lip-Lip, another puppy in the indian village. Lip-Lip would always get other puppies to gang up on White Fang. This is how White Fang became the most fierce animal in the indian village. When Lip-Lip, White Fang and many other dogs run away, Lip-Lip bees frail from lack of food. White Fang, living in the wild once before, was taught how to hunt and that the law of the wild was "eat or be eaten". Lip-Lip was always provided with food and never had to hunt. I think the most extrordinary part is when White Fang gets his revenge on Lip-Lip after they run-away. This book was a great novel that got me hooked. I would remend this book for grades fourth-sixth. If you are too young, you won't understand the book and if you are too old, it will seem babyish. I believe this book will whisk you away to a whole other life.



I wrote it in a hurry,so I hope that you would correct the mistakes by yourself.

ments of White Fang

This was a great book I would remend this book for dog lovers and wolf lovers from all ages. It shows how White Fang grows up and is brought up in the world by his masters and the wild. As he struggles to determine good from evil, right from wrong it is a great adventure for White Fang and others.

This book is about a half-wolf half -dog called White Fang. This story starts out before he was born. When his father and his mother are in a starving wolf pack they are forced to eat dogs off of a sled team that was treling to a town. Every night White Fangs mother would e into their camp and lure one of their sled dogs away from the camp. The pack would eat the dog, and they did this until there was no sled dogs left then, ate the two remaining unarmed men. One day White Fangs mother and One eye his father, lee the pack to hunt on there own. (.9xwang.)They then he puppies but there was not enough food to support them all, so all the puppies but one died. White Fang was the only survivor. Soon after his father dies in a fight with a lynx, White Fang and his mother he to live on their own. In this time White Fang learns about the wild, how to kill and get meat. Then one day a tribe of Indians discovers him and his mother. White Fang's new master was his mother's old master and White Fang is forced to live in the camp with his mother. There was no warm wele for White Fang. The older puppies would always fight him and hurt him on purpose. They soon take away his mother and he receives sever beatings from his master. When he turns one, he is put on a sled team alone with other puppies and they journey from town to town trading fur and other goods. He is then later sold to a greedy pit dog owner Beauty Smith. White fang is then forced to fight as a pit dog, he has to kill or be killed. He wins many battles against other pit dogs but when one match almost costs his life he then is found by a new loving master Weedon Scott. Weedon Scott tames White Fang and show him the true love of a master.


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