This story was mainly about a young student fell in love with a girl and tried to please her. In order to express his love for the girl, he needed to give her a red rose. However, it was a cold winter, and it was not possible for him to find a red rose. So he was very sad and sat on the ground crying. All the pedestrians laughed at him, only a kind-hearted nightingale was impressed by his love and sympathized with his sufferings. Hence, the little bird decided to find a red rose to help the student to realize his dream of love. She begged the rose tree over and over again hoping to get a red rose, which only ended up in failure. Finally, the nightingale found a red rose tree below the window of the student with the help of a yellow rose tree. But the red rose tree rejected the nightingale and told her that the winter chilled her veins, and frost nipped her buds, and storm broken her branches, and she would he no roses all this year. But, the red roses could be made by the moon light and the nightingale’s blood. The nightingale needed to put her heart against the thorn of the rose tree and sang all the night until her blood became the rose’s. Confronted with the choice of live or death, the little nightingale agreed with the rose tree which was at the cost of her own life. The young student expressed his love with the red rose but rejected by the girl, and the precious red rose became overshadowed and worthless at that moment.
The people who read Oscar Wilde’s “the Nightingale and the Rose” each time may he some new feelings. The image of the nightingale who is kind and passionate is loved by many readers. Though ultimately ending up with the disillusionment of love, the nightingale still made beautiful songs of love. She likes a meteor across the sky, fleeting, but lees a string of mark which can prove the existence of her own; She likes a geous firework, burning out at the last minute of life, but also do not fet to bright
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