

07月01日 编辑 fanwen51.com


The Thorn Birds

There is a legend about a bird, which sings just once in its life more sweetly than any other creature on the face of the earth.From the moment it lees the nest it searches for a thorn tree, and does not rest until it has found one. Then singing among the sage branches, it impales itself upon the longest, sharpest spine. And dying, it rises above its own agony to out carol the lack and the nightingale, One superlative song existence the price. But the whole world stills to listen, and God in his heen smiles. For the best is only brought at the cost of great pain… or so says the legend.

Frist ,I was attracted by the title of the book ,and the thorn bird’s legend .then I began reading the book .I was totally enthralled by Meggie all life .the girl nearly used all her life to struggle the god and pursuit .her love maybe is holy to Ralph ,but for her mother and her children is unequal .in her old age ,she realized what is true love and how to change her daughter’s fate which she had ever went thought and fill with indifferent and panic.

So my topic is about “Learn how to pursue, how to love” .I don’t support that today our love like the thorn bird. because love should be respectable ,lofty ,and admired.

There is something happened around our life which should be concered .in servers days ago, I read a news about a university student killed herself because she broke up with her boy friend .I really very angery with her selfishness and weakness .she never considered her parents when they saw her body and cried sadly and hopeness ,her friends future life would be full of regret and frightened . as a student ,we must realize that we not only should be loved but also should love the others.

Kindship and friendship also is important in our life. parents aways is our props nomatter what happent in ours .friends turn up when we felt in panic and drive we out. So when we pursuit the love,please don’t hurt and ingnorance our parents and friends .most important,don’t lost our conscience and happyness when we hope to be loved.

In my oppinion ,love consist four basic factors. Frist,express our love. In our life, many children didn’t ever said :mama,I love you so much.”or we unrequited love someone,we felt shy and self-abased ,so we lost each other. Secondly,refuse and accept love.in the stage we growing up,we should learn to apprecite and choose our turely need.

Thirdly, we should learn how to solve the love promblen.for example ,when your families and your lover has a struggle,who will you stand up and how to confor them. I think understanding is important.fourth,the capbility to keep love .when you get old ,did your kindship, friendship and love also fresh.if your Parents and sister still wele you and serve you with enthusiasm.if your friends still keep touch with you and share your life like former.if you lover and you still living happily.

We always hope to be love,but we rearlly don’t think of how to pursue, how to love. At last ,I hope: everone can live a better life.


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