[神秘岛读后感 300字急啊快啊]几个人乘坐热气球高空飞行,忽然气球出了故障不断下落,下面是茫茫的大海,正当他们彻底绝望了的时候忽然气球飘到了一个无名荒岛上,于是几个人不得吧在岛上安家。 他们经过艰苦创...+阅读
Let me just start by saying that I had been put off reading Thomas Hardye by Dickens. Having really struggled with Dickens and resorted to audio I had wrongly assumed that all 19C liturature was the same. How wrong I could be. From the first paragraph where the opening character farmer Gabriel Oak is desribed smiling, 'the corners of his mouth spread till they were an unimportant distance from his ears' I fell in love with Hardy's narrative. His ability to use words that lift the description off the page and into the reader's imagination are not just outstanding but incredibly enjoyable.
I went into this book blindly, knowing little about the plot that lay ahead or even the genre. It has been described by some as romantic fiction. But I think this is too simplistic a title and and maybe slightly off-putting to some. Hardye steps into Greek Tragedy when the unwitting and churlish actions of our young protagonist, Bathsheba Everdene, result in a love tryst between three suitors with tragic consequenses.
The book is essentially a journey for Bathsheba into womanhood not unlike the journey that Scarlett O'Hara makes in Gone with the Wind who also has to overcome great tragedy in order to realise her own strength. Unlike this heroin, however, Bathsheba is more the instrument of chaos and indecion and part of her journey is that she accepts what she has caused and tries to make it right.
Hardye avoids making this into moral stricture but deviates from the Greek Tragedy model by giving us a happy ending not atypical of 19C serialised fiction.
Quite often an author's voice creeps into their writing and the reader becomes aware that they are not in fact walking the hills and dales of fictional Wessex but are at the pen nib of a writ
求神秘岛读后感《神秘岛》读后感 《神秘岛》讲的是美国南北战争期间,五个被俘里士满的人——工程师史密斯、记者斯皮莱、黑人仆人纳布、水手潘克洛夫和少年哈伯特企图乘坐气球逃走,不料遇到...
神秘岛的读后感悟一千个读者有一千个哈姆雷特,自己读文章读书的感觉是和别人不一样的,写读后感最好是实际写自己的感悟。 大体上分为四个部分 第一部分,由读而引出感,这开头部分就好比一条醒目的...
神秘岛读后感要新!!给你两篇参考: 1、 神秘岛读后感 最近,我读了一本叫《神秘岛》的书,感触颇多。 这本书讲的是五位主人公乘坐热气球时受到了暴风雨的袭击,被迫降落到一个荒岛上。刚到这座荒岛上...
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