[这个医生让我读懂坚强的读后感]我懂得了坚强什么才是坚强呢?这个问题小时候到没有真正考虑过,只是总听大人说:“我们家的孩子可坚强了,打针哼都不哼一声。” “男子汉要坚强,不能随便哭的啊.....”于是,在小时候...+阅读
Forrest Gump My favorite foreign movie is Forrest Gump, which I have seen for four times. Each time I saw it, I was deeply moved and inspired by the male leading character—Forrest Gump. There are four reasons why I like this movie best. Firstly, the plots designed in the movie are very extraordinary. It tells the story by Forrest Gump himself. He sits on the chair by the road and tells his life experiences to the strangers who are waiting for the bus. What he narrates reflect the social changes. Many important events and people of American from the 1950s to the 1970s are shown fluently in his description of his life experience. Moreover, the value and the spirits of Americans, especially the younger's, are also revealed. These points are quite different from the other films I have seen. Secondly, the character portrayed in the film is inspiring. Forrest Gump is unfortunately to be born with a low IQ and muscle problems, however, he becomes very successful through his struggling. His pure, honesty, integrity, bravery, perseverance, loyalty in love and promise not only touch me greatly, but also set a good example for me. From him, I learn that do well what we should, without thinking a lot, and be persistent, and life will reward us.
只要你足够坚强何惧历经风霜的读后感400字只要你足够坚强何惧历经风霜读后感 谁敢说,这样的女人是没有前途的? 只要你足够坚强,何惧历经风霜 对世界,我愿意永远保持饥饿感 每一扇窗里看到的人生都不同 在万家灯火中,找到...
坚强工作温柔生活读后感这是一本,一开始读,就完全停不下来的书啊! 不自觉地拿了铅笔,勾出自己觉得有用,需要再回味和思考的地方。更有些地方,我加上了便签,那是我自己的实际情况,根据佐佐木的提示而作出的...
从今天起我要变得坚强读后感是《90后的坚强》读后感 ? 灾难不期而至,重重地砸向了每一个人,无论是男是女,是耄耋老人,或是稚嫩孩童。 如果说灾难留给人们的是废墟与死亡,那么人们在灾难面前展现出的则是坚强...
柯蓝我的坚强读后感100字我是个十分爱笑的人,就像吃饭,喝水般正常,这与心情好坏无关,常常用灿烂的笑容去照亮每一个人,也就暗淡了自己! 我想自己是个不够勇敢的人,所以只能偷偷喜欢他。我怕一开口便是彻底...
求阿甘正传读后感阿甘的爱情 一个南阿拉巴马州的傻子阿甘,一辈子喜欢的一个女人就是珍妮,从小到大阿甘和珍妮就是好朋友,他们一起上学,一起长大,最后虽然相隔很远但是阿甘始终爱着珍妮,不管她做什...
阿甘正传小说读后感小说以辛辣直白的讽刺著称,不过我给当流水账看了。毕竟对那个时代不了解,所以更多的注意投注在了我们的主角——阿甘身上。 以前觉得,阿甘就是傻人有傻福的典范,反正电影把这种...
阿甘正传读后感150字The lines touching me most in the book is 'My momma always said life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you are goanna get.' Yes, life is full of...