

01月30日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[超级奶爸的英语影评谢谢了大神帮忙啊]This movie category belonging to chicken ribs in self's eyes in me, is un-appetizing and yet not bad enough to throw away. However, finish watching , I discover...+阅读

Dear Q12, Hi! I am one of the students chosen to solve the problem, and I want to tell you what is love and friendship and how we feel and think. hi是不是应该改成 hello,everyone,毕竟你是面对很多同学说的。what is改为what are think后面应该跟 about them What is love? All in all, where there is no cruelty, there is a beautiful world. Everyone always give others a hand each other. I also think everyone don't like that there are too many churchyards everywhere. where there is no cruelty, there is a beautiful world这句话你想表达什么意思 改为 if there was no cruelty,it would be a beautiful world.Everyone always give others a hand each other.改为everyone gives his hand to another.I also think everyone don't like that there are too many churchyards everywhere. 我没看懂 If you stay there a moment, and watch the insects flying in the warm summer air , and listen to the soft wind breathing through the grass , you will understand how quietly they rest , the sleepers in that quiet earth. stay a moment改为 stay for a moment。

breathing改为breezing the sleepers in that quiet earth.是什么,你指grass吗?If you want to know more about love , you can read the《WUTHERING HEIGHTS》, and woman named Amity Ballonet who was born and live in the north of England , is also the place where 《WUTHERING HEIGHTS》 happened . 去掉书名号,英语里没有书名号。and woman named 改为 and the woman named live改为lived is also the place划去。And the friendship is a thing that everyone wants to have, especially men. For the friendship , even you can lose life. For the friendship, even you can lose everything .even you can lose life 改为 you can even lose your life。

后面同理。但把everying改为anything。 It belongs to a spirit which every men can uphold it. In a word , world need love , and the world also need friendship. Please imagine it a second , everyone helps each other , we live each other happily in the world . That's a haven of peace , is a ideal society.world need love改为the world。。need改为needs 唉,难改啊。建议你重写吧 中文思维太明显了。


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