

09月13日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[外语翻译求职简历]求职意向 期望从事职业:- 翻译(英语翻译)、广交会外语翻译、专职外语翻译 期望月薪:3500元 工作经历 2012年1-3月,在广州冰福生物科技有限公司当外籍经理助理,主要协助外籍经理处...+阅读


I would be one of empolyees of your company on July 2008,as an administrative assistant,I am in charge of hotel reservation ,ticket,meeting room,and distribution of daily stationery. In the passing 5 months,I accomplished all kinds of work under leader and colleague's care and help.Besides my due job, I also positively worked in with other fellows.I got well along with my colleagues who I lernt a lot from are serious about job. In the future job,I will be more serious to reduce the mistakes,meanwhile I could know more details about our products in my spare time,to assist my colleagues to complete goals in the future. Because it is short timen since I could be one of your,I do not know much about our firm inner operation,such as new product.I would run into some problems,I wish I could make more contributions to our company development. 小学文凭,仅供参考。


Your speech is great, but is still a lack of self-confidence.


You sound good, but not enough solid basic skills.


Your language is very fluent, but speech is not enough deep understanding of the content


The language of your organization, the voices are very good, also very confident, I really like



I hope you continue to work



I look forward to your next performance




The overall quality of the student better, love and respect their jobs, work ability, work organization has a certain ability to get along with colleagues and friendly, a short period of internship is an excellent teaching experts, I believe it will work in the future, check the excellent score.


The student during the internship period hard, have a strong sense of adaptability and innovation, be able to use knowledge rapidly into practical computer applications to prepare them, and be able to combine the characteristics of their own advantages to meet the shortfall in the internship process grew up quickly, not only their own experience, but also for my unit has brought a new wind, by the partners praise!

实习鉴定三、***同学在我部实习期间,态度端正,学习踏实,工作认真,注重理论和实践相结合,将大学所学的课堂知识能有效地运用于实际工作中,在我部“重庆热线”实习时能创造性、建设性地并能独立开展工作;能吃苦耐劳,工作 责任心强,注重团队合作,善于取长补短,虚心好学,具有一定的开拓和创新精神,接受新事物较快,涉猎面较宽,在计算机通讯领域不断地探索,有自己的思路和设想。

*** Ministry of students in my internship period, the correct attitude, learning practical, job seriously, pay attention to theory and practice, will study the University of classroom knowledge to effectively apply practical work, in my Department "Chongqing Hotline" internship can be creative and constructive manner and work independently; can bear hardships and stand hard, work a strong sense of responsibility, focus on teamwork, good at each other, with an open mind to learn, has a pioneering and innovative spirit, to accept new things quickly, a wide range of surface the computer continued to explore the field of communications, have their own thoughts and ideas.


I am cheerful, sedate, energetic, fervent, sincere, Works is responsible earnestly, proactive, can bear hardships and stand hard work, dares to withstand the pressure and innovation, Good communication skill, team spirit, have strong adaptability, Discipline is strong, cooperate actively work, Strong, strong dedication spirit.


外语专业毕业生的自我评价在大学四年中,我的思想觉悟有了很大的提高。我热爱祖国,热爱人民, 坚决拥护共产党领导和社会主义制度。我觉得一个人的价值是由他对社会对别人所做的贡献来衡量的,我加入中国...



工作上的个人总结与自我评价每一个工作者所做的工作都是与众不同的,也是独一无二的,有自己的工作作风,工作态度及成果。下面由小编为大家精心收集的工作上的个人总结与自我评价,希望可以帮到大家! 工作上的...

个人简历英文版的自我评价帮翻译下Self-evaluation I have Concubine good looks, communication skills and organizational capacities of the strong, experienced numerous winter and summer vacations...

简历上的自我评价英文翻译Sincere, introverted, focused; self-learning ability, the new knowledge and new technology to maintain a strong interest in learning, the ability to accept new...

个人简历英文版的自我评价帮翻译下Self-evaluation I have Concubine good looks, communication skills and organizational capacities of the strong, experienced numerous winter and summer vacations...

个人简历中文自我评价求翻译成英文I am a cheerful, hard-working, optimistic, and broad interests person, I had some experience holds the post of the class cadre exercise my organizational capaci...

英语翻译个人评价英语翻译个人评价,帮忙写个工人的年终自我评价!I have a strong sense of responsibility and patience, and I 'm the kind of girl/bot that is optimistic self-confidence...
