[求土木工程实习总结范文]一年一度的实习就快结束了,土木专业的你是不是正在为如何写实习报告而急呢?下面是一则比较好的土木工程专业实习报告范文,仅供参考 我2004年七月份从华北水利水电学院土木工程...+阅读
Self- Introduction By Wiskey Hello, every one! Do you know Whisky? Yeah, of course, I think every body knows the wine Whisky. So, please remember, I'm Wiskey. But I assure you, I am not the Whisky what you are thinking about. W-I-S-K-E-Y, Wiskey! Now, let me tell you something about myself. Above all the subjects, I love English best. I haven't taken part in an Oral English Competition . So, I hesitated. I thought that maybe is a hard thing to do and I didn't have enough confidence. But in fact, I really want to have a try. Mother noticed all of these. She can read me like an open book. She said to me, 'dear, there is nothing to be afraid of. Everybody should have their first time. If you don't want to have a try, how can you touch success? Take a step forward, and then you can succeed. Remember, compared with process, result is not so important. You need more and more opportunities to practice, from them you can improve not only your English level, but also your experience and courage. The enemy you're facing are not others, but yourself. So, please believe yourself and have a try!' Mother's words really encouraged me. I made up my mind. At last, I won the third price. From then on, I didn't hesitate any more, and I like to accept challengers. 'Challenging myself' is my motto. Now, this motto brings me here again. I love this chance, and expect to get your precious advice or comments.
求一篇茶花女的100字英文读后感Camellia drilled in a corner。A cold, dark, damp, there is no corner of the sun,It is food。ButThis is the other Camellia Camellia。And any other flowers beauti...
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小学教师退休申请如何写范文参考一下:教师退休申请书 本人,男,35岁,一级教师,教龄15年。本人十数年来执教于乡村县城,风风雨雨以至呕心沥血,几近鞠躬尽瘁欤。回顾往昔,感慨万千,无须赘言。想如今廉颇老矣,尚能饭...
求一篇电力行业客户服务中心见习期的个人工作总结的范文主要写一下主要的工作内容,取得的成绩,以及不足,最后提出合理化的建议或者新的努力方向。。。。。。。工作总结就是要让你的领导了解你,体现你的工作价值所在。所以写好几点: 1、...
急需电力员工职业道德与修养培训心得体会范文紧紧围绕企业中心任务,把抓好职业道德建设作为促进精神文明建设的突破口,为企业持续发展提供了动力支撑,造就了一支能打硬仗、爱岗敬业,热心服务社会的职工队伍。 电力公司高度...