有很多种版本主要看主角最后行为而定,目前已知:(英文原版的字幕)#1 And so it was that the Lone Wanderer ventured forth from Vault 101 intent on discovering the fate of a father who has once sacrificed the future of humanity for that of his own child. 无条件#2 The Capital Wasteland proved a cruel and inhospitable place. 中立karma值#3 But it was not until the end of this long road that the Lone Wanderer learned the true meaning of that greatest of virtues – sacrifice. Stepping into the irradiated control chamber of Project Purity, the child followed the example of the father sacrificing life itself for the greater good of mankind. 自己启动净化器#4 It was not until the end of this long road that the Lone Wanderer was faced with that greatest of virtues – sacrifice, but the child refused to follow the father's selfless example, instead, allowing a true hero to venture into irradiated control chamber of project purity and sacrifice her own life for the greater good of mankind. 让Sarah Lyons启动净化器#5. So ends the story of the Lone Wanderer, who stepped through the greatdoor of Vault 101 and into the annals of legend. But the tale ofhumanity will never come to a close, for the struggle of survival is awar without end, and war – war never changes.#11 It was not until the end of this long road that the Lone Wanderer was faced with that greatest of virtues – sacrifice, but the child refused to follow the father's selfless example. 不启动净化器#6 Thankfully, when selected by the sinister president to behis instrument of annihilation, the Wanderer refused. Humanity with allits flaws was deemed worthy of preservation. The waters of life flowedat last – free and pure, for any and all. The Capital Wasteland at longlast was saved. 不使用FEV病毒#7 Thankfully, when selected by the sinister president to be hisinstrument of annihilation, the Wanderer refused. Humanity with all itsflaws was deemed worthy of preservation. The waters of life flowed atlast – free and pure, for any and all. The Capital Wasteland at longlast was saved. 不使用FEV病毒,且摧毁Raven Rock#8 Sadly, when selected by the sinister president to be hisinstrument of annihilation, the Wanderer agreed. Humanity will bepreserved, but only in its purest form. The waters of life flowed atlast, but the virus contained within soon eradicated all those deemedunworthy of salvation. The Capital Wasteland, despite its progress,became a graveyard. 使用FEV病毒#9 So ends the story of the Lone Wanderer, who steppedthrough the great door of Vault 101 and into the annals of legend. Butthe tale of humanity will never come to a close, for the struggle ofsurvival is a war without end, and war – war never changes. 男性角色#10So ends the story of the Lone Wanderer, who stepped through the greatdoor of Vault 101 and into the annals of legend. But the tale ofhumanity will never come to a close, for the struggle of survival is awar without end, and war – war never changes. 女性角色#11 The Capital Wasteland proved a cruel inhospitable place, but the Lone Wanderer refused to surrender to the vices that had claimed so many others. The values passed on from father to child – selflessness, compassion, honor – guided this noble soul through countless trials and triumphs. Good karma值#12 The Capital Wasteland proved a cruel inhospitable place, and the LoneWanderer ultimately surrendered to the vices that had claimed so manyothers – selfishness, greed, cruelty. These were the values that guideda lost soul through countless trials and triumphs. Bad karma值
评价电影主角的个性自我介绍趣味指数:8 实用指数:7.5 "我姓吾,在宫里做太监,大家叫我'吾老公'。" 这句话虽是占方怡的便宜时说的,却是韦小宝传奇而矛盾的一生的写照:既为太监,何来老公一说?即便有,也是个虚的。...