

11月18日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[是工作让你单身的吗]Is Your Job Keeping You Single? 是工作让你单身吗? U.S. government data reveals that up to 44% of the U.S.is single -- and it may be because of work. Here are fou...+阅读

U.S. government data reveals that up to 44% of the U.S. workforceis single -- and it may be because of work. Here are four reasons why your job might be keeping you single and what to do about it.美国政府公布的数据显示有接近44%的职场人士是单身,而单身的原因很有可能是工作。以下列举了工作可能造成单身的四点原因以及应对措施:1. I don't he time to date.我没时间去约会。Many people who are single say their jobs don't lee them with enough time to meet Mr. or Mrs. Right. You may he made a conscious decision to make career your No. 1 priority. Or it may be that pursuing your dream job is easier than pursuing your dream partner. Whatever the reason, dedicating too much of your time and energy to your career will cause your dating life to flounder.很多单身的人都说自己的工作忙得没有足够的时间去认识真命天子(天女)。

你可能下意识的将工作当成第一优先事项。也可能是因为找到梦想中的工作比找到梦中情人更容易。不管理由如何,如果你在工作中花费太多的时间和精力的话,就会使得你的约会生活毫无进展。Solution: Make dating your work. Approach your social life with the same determination and mitment you apply to your career. You wouldn't expect to get ahead at work if you didn't put in the time. Make an investment in your coupled future by setting dating goals, like mitting a certain number of hours a week to dating.解决之道:将约会当成工作。

将你在工作中的决心和果断同样应用到你的社交生活中。在工作中如果不花时间的话就无法取得进步。设立约会的目标(比如每周哪些固定的时间去约会),为未来的二人世界投资。2. My boss knows I'm single and singles me out.上司因为知道我单身给了我很多工作任务,搞得我一直单身。Singles are often expected to work late, trel for business, and take on last minute assignments because they don't he family mitments. For example, Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell stated last year that the choice of Ja Napolitano as Homeland Security Secretary was an excellentone because she has no family and no life and could devote 19-20 hours a day to the job上司通常会因为单身的员工没有家庭负担,而期望他们工作到更晚、出差、承担最后一分钟的任务。

比如,宾夕法尼亚州的州长Ed Rendell声称,Ja Napolitano作为国家安全部长是一个非常明智的选择,因为她没有家庭生活,每天可以工作19-20小时。Solution: Value your dating mitments. If your boss asks you to work late, you don't always he to say yes. Saying that you already he plans is an acceptable excuse. It's great to be able to put in the hours to get ahead at work, but make sure that you're not allowing work to get in the way of your other life goals.解决之道:重视约会承诺。



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