
Job Interview Question - What is Your Greatest Weakness?

11月08日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[Interview其他建议]本站整理Interview其他建议 Q:How long would you like to stay with this pany?(你会在本公司服务多久呢?) A:I will stay as long as I can continue to learn and to grow in...+阅读

The fastest way to make a good interview go bad is to oid questions posed by the hiring manager. The one question candidates love to oid is, What is your greatest weakness? Most candidates are quick to respond with superficial answers such as Im a workaholic or Im a perfectionist. Not only are those responses boring, but they are also predictable answers interviewers are used to hearing. So much so that an interviewers eback line often is, That doesnt sound like a weakness. Now why dont you tell me about a real weakness?

Ouch. What an unfortable position to be inwhen a decision maker challenges you during an interview. Just like you, the interviewer wants the process to go as seamlessly as possible, and they quickly bee resentful when they are placed in a confrontational position.

When answering questions surrounding your greatest weakness, my advice is to tell the truthto a point. Though I dont advocate providing a play-by-play of every area that may need improvement, it isnt a good idea not to cop to a weakness either. A happy medium does exist, and it lies in focusing your response on an area that doesnt he a major impact on your ability to do the job. This should be an area that you are on your way to improving. Note, not an area youve already improved, but one that is well on its way.

Interviewers recognize that job seekers arent forthing when answering the greatest weakness question. As a result, there is a new trend in hiring circles of interviewers cleverly disguising the question and using a variation of the theme. In doing so, interviewers are successfully stumping candidate

s, and are receiving responses that uncover the not-so-pleasant side of candidates.

Cleverly Designed Greatest Weakness Questions

1. We all he aspects of our job we prefer not to do. What aspect of your day-to-day responsibilities do you dislike?

In hopes of making you feel fortable, interviewers may ask questions that start with we. The psychology behind this is to make you feel as though you are with a friend, which can cause you to let your guard down.

2. Think back to your last review. What suggestions did your supervisor he for improvement?

The chances are extremely high that your supervisor offered suggestions for improvement. Interviewers are aware of this and anticipate that you will disclose the details of your most recent evaluation.

3. Describe a project you worked on that didnt turn out as well as you expected.

Interviewers find that job seekers reveal more when they are asked to tell a story. The assumption is made that the more you talk, the more likely youll disclose your weaknesses.

4. In what area of your work do you think you can be more effective?

This question is very similar to greatest weakness question. However, interviewers believe the way the question is phrased will make you feel less threatened, and therefore more likely to answer freely.

Bottom line: whether or not you want to divulge sensitive information during an interview, an interviewer is going to try his or her darnedest to dig for skeletons in your closet. Interviewers want to uncover any reasons why they shouldnt hire you, and they hope those reasons will e straight from you. So be prepared.


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