[面试时如何谈自己的工作经历和资格]Talk about your working Experience and Qualifications谈谈你的工作经历和资格: 工作经历这个话题在工作面试中占最主要的地位。所以你要详细地谈。通常interviewer会很想...+阅读
Technical Qualifications
I: What certificates of technical qualifications he you received(obtained)?
C: I've received an Accountant's Qualification Certificate. / I've received a puter Operator's Qualification Certlficate. / I've obtained an Export Sales Staff's Qualification Certificate. / I've got an Engineer's Qualification Certificate. / I've received a Tourist Guide's Qualification Certificate. / I obtained a Senior Lawyer's Qualification Certificate. / I've got an Associate Professor's Qualification Certificate.
I: Do you he any licenses?
C: Yes, I he a driver's license. / Yes, I he anelectrician's license. / Yes, I he a radio operator's license. / Yes, I he a turner's license. / Yes, I he a doctor's license.
I: Do you he any special skills?
C: Yes,I can operate a word-processor. / Yes, I he a good mand of secretarial skills. / Yes, I can use an abacus fairly well. / Yes, I can type and take shorthand very well. / Yes, I can use a facsimile machine skillfully. / Yes, My father is an architect, and so I naturally got interested in architecture when I was quite young. Recently I've done some blueprints and designing for my father. So I know something about architecture.
I: What are your qualifications for being a typist? / What are your qualifications as a stenographer?
C: I can type 60 words per minute. / I take shorthand at 100 words per minute.
I: Can you operate a Chinese typewriter?
C: Yes, of course. / No, I'm sorry, but I've learned English typing.
I: Do you get any special training in office skills?
C: Yes, I've received some special training in typing, stenograph, and mon office machines operation. I'm good at operating a fax machine, a photostat, and a microputer.
I: What kind of puters are you experienced in?
C: I'm experienced in IBM-PC pact and Legend puters.
I: What puter languages he yoa learned?
C: I've learned BASIC, FORTRAN and COBOL.
I: What kind of software do you he working knowledge of?
C: I he working knowledge of WINDOWS, DOS, and AutoCAD.
I: What do you think about your qualifications?
C: I'm familiar with the West-styled accounting since I've worked in an enterprise with foreign capital for three years. So I think I'm qualified for the post as accountant general at your pany. / I'm not a green hand at foreign trade. I he a clear idea of how the international trade works. So I'm confident of being a good export sale staff member.
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