

11月30日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[计算机硬件专业毕业生的自我介绍]以下就是一篇一名计算机硬件专业的毕业生的自我介绍。 我是某某学校信息电子系计算机硬件专业的一名本站,衷心感谢您抽出宝贵时间审阅我的简历。在X年的学习生活中,我牢固地...+阅读

THE big city has always been the dream career destination of college students. But now, for some post-80s grads, the metropolis has begun to lose some of their original luster. And a reverse trend of heading back home has bee a part of future job considerations.


The reasons for leing the big city dream behind are manifold. Two of the more mon ones are trying to oid the intense petition and the pressure, and seeing unprecedented opportunities in the growing economies back home.


That first category may include people like Guo Fuyuan, a senior at Xi'an International Studies University. The 22-year-old Guo says that she was truly bothered by the annoying city life when she tried to look for work in places like Beijing and Shanghai. The high cost of living there and the aggrating traffic conditions kind of scared her off.


She was clearly happy to get an enviable offer from the Bank of China in her hometown, Shangzhou, a quite place in Shaanxi province. I'll feel relieved starting my career in a relaxed environment at home, said Guo.


It also includes Li Jingbiao, 24, of China Foreign Affairs University in Beijing. But, while Guo may be trying to adopt a more realistic attitude, Li's still a bit idealistic in his choice. The Hebei native's aspirations lie with journalism and he's considering an offer from a news agency in Shijiazhuang. He hopes to write reports in English to support the exposure of his hometown to the rest of the world.


拓宽视野 Broadening out

I think there's been a lot of publicity from reporters in the capital city, Beijing. But Shijiazhuang is not a well-trodden place, said Li. I could bring my talent into play and fulfill my ambition of staying at the front.


Whatever the motivation, returning home could send a positive signal to both students and society, thinks Wu Duo, a sociology professor at East China Normal University, in Shanghai. Wu says that students he matured and are willing to work in less prosperous places, even as village officials, in some remote areas.


This shows that students are consciously broadening their career goals and chances by not limiting themselves geographically and are responding better to market needs, Wu said. Also, this trend will certainly help economic and cultural growth in less developed areas.

这表明,学生们在自觉地拓展自己的职业目标和机会,不再局限于某些地区,而且能更好地对市场需求做出反应。 吴铎说,此外,这个趋势也定能对次发达地区的经济、文化增长有所帮助。

In some more developed areas like Zhejiang, returning students he been attracted by the changes brought about by economic growth. According to Hong Xianlin, of the Pujiang economic zone in Zhejiang, the shift from traditional industries to high-tech panies in that area in recent years has provided a lot of research and development opportunities.


Sun Bin, an architecture major at Hainan University, plans to return soon to Zhejiang to work for a construction design pany in his home county, Changxing.


I chose to do it this way because there'll be plenty of design projects I can work on here, and the standard of living isn't much lower than that in a big city, Sun explained. And, I can take better care of my elderly parents.



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