

11月18日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[职场中的细节隐藏机会]《细节隐藏机会》是关于夏路列公司的试衣室的故事,这是一个率先把试衣室设到顾客自己家中的公司。 日本的夏路列公司是一家生产内衣的公司,设在神户中央区港岛时装街,在20世纪8...+阅读

What should be inculded in a cv?


Your CV should not go beyond two pages , so deciding what to include and what to lee off is very important .Everything you include should be relevant to the needs of your employer and be designed to enhance your application .

It is vital to fully understand what the pany is looking for ; parts of your background will be more relevant to what the pany requires than others . You can adapt your CV for the specific job requirement ; try to match what you offer with the panys need . Do you research on the pany, read the job advertisement carefully and then highlight how your CV ties in with their job requirement .


Include relevant examples of your achievements that make you an especially well qualified candidate . Show why your skills are transferrable ; tell the employer what you can do with your talent in the position youre applying for . Bullet-point your list of skills and include a brief note alongside each skill . The employer can scan the list and you can talk in greater depth about them at your interview .

Under the heading of education and qualifications you should include formal and vocational training but keep the list short and concise . Include the details of where and when you received the training but its not necessary to list the grades of your qualifications . If they arent exceptional it is usually better to omit this information .

When you are listing any jobs you he had , it is mon to do this in reverse chronological order; listing your most recent job first and working backwards . Give a brief summary of your roles and responsibilities and omit any jobs not related to the job you are applying for . Also oid listing your salaries .



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