[去华尔街擦皮鞋]地处华尔街繁华地段的黑石集团是美国最大的上市投资管理公司,这里聚集了世界一流的交易员,但也不乏擦鞋匠一类的闲杂人员。 这里的擦鞋匠都是着装统一的合同工,在公司内部有着...+阅读
Laid off from Wall Street? The CIA wants you -- as long as you can pass a lie detector test and show that you are motivated by service to your country rather than your wallet.
The Central Intelligence Agency has been advertising for recruits and will be holding interviews on June 22 at a secret location in New York.
Economics, finance and business professionals, if the quest for the bottom line is just not enough for you, the Central Intelligence Agency has a mission like no other, one radio advertisement for the agency says.
Join CIA's directorate of intelligence and be a part of our global mission as an economic or financial analyst. Make a difference in your career and for your nation, it says.