[职场中的细节隐藏机会]《细节隐藏机会》是关于夏路列公司的试衣室的故事,这是一个率先把试衣室设到顾客自己家中的公司。 日本的夏路列公司是一家生产内衣的公司,设在神户中央区港岛时装街,在20世纪8...+阅读
As a society, were obsessed with achievement. But what happens once youre considered objectively successful, with a great salary and a job that energizes you? Its easy to rest on your acplishments and your way of getting work done, perhaps even feeling theres not much left to learn。
But in this economy, you cant afford to sit back -- even though it might be tempting。
Successful people fall into the trap of thinking they dont need to change anything because their behior is working for them, says Marshall Goldsmith, author of What Got You Here Wont Get You There: How Successful People Bee Even More Successful. Every time they get promoted...they get positive reinforcement even when certain skills are lacking.
《今天不必以往:成功人士如何获得更大成功》(What Got You Here Wont Get You There: How Successful People Bee Even More Successful)的作者戈德史密斯(Marshall Goldsmith)说,成功者往往会跌入一个陷阱,认为他们不需改变任何事情了,因为他们的办事方式行之有效。即便是他们缺乏某些技能,每当他们得到提拔时,他们就会得到正强化。
Know Your Weaknesses 了解不足
But examining where you might he shortings can make or break a career。
Did Hale of Columbia, S.C., quickly rose to the top of the military police force and was granted the highly sought-after position of polygraph examiner with the Army Criminal Investigation mand。
南卡罗来纳州的黑尔(Did Hale)很快就升为宪兵的头目,并得到了很吃香的美国陆军犯罪调查司令部(Army Criminal Investigation mand)测谎员的职位。
I was my own biggest fan, and being cocky, I would try to force confessions from suspects either prior to or based on their exams, he says. But he didnt take the time to understand that criminals are more likely to confess to people they like and trust. My results fell way below other examiners, Mr. Hale says。
Mr. Hale didnt realize he needed to change until his boss transferred him and said that if his confession rate didnt increase, he would be fired. He studied forensic interviewing, worked on relating to subjects on an emotional level, and pursued courses in leadership, counseling and psychology. Eventually, Mr. Hale began to rise again in his career, and he became known as one of the top polygraph examiners anywhere。
Necessary Skills 必备技能
Being as successful as you can be -- after youve already climbed part of the ladder -- means you need two things。
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