

11月25日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[面试的八大病症]病毒一:求职面试的虚假和浮躁 面对着你方唱罢我登场的招聘会,大学生求职哪个不是场场不落,送简历如撒传单,正所谓浮必显、躁必急,因此各类“毒素”也慢慢渗入了人才市场 ——假学...+阅读

When youre considering goals for yourself, dont fet to examine your work life. What changes could you make to bee a more productive and pleasant colleague?


Experts offer this list of mon bad habits at work -- and how to break them:


1)Planning poorly.


Do you spend your first hour at work wondering what you should work on today? So many people, when they lee their office at 4 to 6 p.m., really he no clue what theyre going to do first thing the following morning, said Glenn Dis, president of the Next Step Group, which recruits sales and sales management professionals for software and other panies. Its more efficient to plan your next day before you lee work.

你每天的第一个小时是否都是在考虑今天要做些什么工作呢?Next Step Group公司是一家为软件公司和其他公司招聘销售人员以及销售管理专家的人力资源公司,其总裁Glenn Dis说:很多人,在4点到6点离开办公室的时候,确实一点都没意识到第二天早晨第一件事情该做什么。在你下班之前计划好第二天该做的事情是非常有必要的。

Answering every email message as it es in may make you seem responsive, but its not productive. You feel like youre being a hero because youre dealing with all your email, said Valerie Frederickson, CEO founder of Valerie Frederickson Co., an HR executive search and consulting firm. But it has nothing to do with achieving your goals.

回复每一封发给你的邮件可能会让你看起来很积极,但这并不是有效率的工作方法。人力资源咨询和猎头公司Valerie Frederickson的创始人兼执行总裁Valerie Frederickson声称:你可能觉得处理了所有的邮件以后你就好似英雄了,但是这对实现你的工作目标并无帮助。

2)Abusing work-from-home privileges.


Yes, you se time when you work from home by not muting. But too many people are easily sidetracked by the laundry, their kids, a quick errand . People like to say, I get so much more done working from home, Dis said. And some do -- but not everyone. If you work from home, make sure youre putting in a full days work -- and that youre accessible to your colleagues during the workday.

是的,在家里工作的话节约了交通时间。但是太多人很容易就被洗衣服、照顾孩子、以及其他突发事件耽误了工作。人们喜欢说我在家工作做了这么多事情 Dis说。有些人确实做了不少事情。但并非每个人都是。如果你在家工作的话,要确保你投入了全天的时间来工作,并且在上班时间要保证你的同事能够随时联系上你。

Everyone has emergencies from time to time. But its annoying to he to repeatedly fill in for the colleague who is late every morning because hes checking on his home remodeling project, or who misses an entire afternoon because she scheduled a routine dentist appointment for 1:30 p.m.


People who show up 5 or 10 minutes late for a meeting cause a domino effect, Dis said. Meetings later that day may be thrown off schedule because the earlier ones ran late. And people who show up on time feel their time is being wasted.


Leslie G. Griffen, an HR consultant and career coach, is sometimes hired by panies to approach an employee who doesnt bathe and ask them to improve their hygiene. The problem is twofold, said Griffen, principal of The Griffen Group. A sloppy appearance will cause a poor first impression. Also, if your hygiene is bad, your health is probably bad, Griffen said. An added benefit of eating well and exercising: Youll he more energy.

Leslie G. Griffen,是一位人力资源顾问,也是职业教练,他还是Griffen公司的负责人。如果有的公司出现不洗澡的员工时,Griffen就会被雇佣来说服他们注意卫生问题。Griffen说:这些问题是双重的。邋遢的外表会给人不好的第一印象。如果你的卫生没搞好,你也可能不健康。吃好、运动好的一个额外好处是:你将会有更多的能量。

Your coworkers may not appreciate your sense of humor. Skip the off-color or racially targeted jokes, Griffen said. And be careful about sensitive subjects such as politics and religion.


People like coworkers who are enthusiastic about what they do. Show that you take pride in your job by presenting yourself well, municating clearly and doing your best work.


3)Not caring about your work.


4)Using inappropriate humor.


5)Not taking care of health and hygiene


6)Being late for meetings.


7)Putting personal life before work.


8)Spending the day in email reaction mode.



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