[找到面试切入点]一、找到面试切入点,语言交流很重要 我们可以看到面试是考官与考生面对面的交流过程。既然是交流,我们就需要注意语言表达上应该清楚连贯。不论是结构化面试还是无领导小组讨...+阅读
Looking for a way to get your resume noticed? Need answers to those seemingly impossible interview questions?
Ask you neighbor. Or your best friend. Or even your third-cousin-once-removed.
People who've waged successful job searches can be an invaluable resource when you're looking for a job. You can learn from their successes -- and mistakes -- as well as pick up a few tips and tricks along the way.
Be Open-Minded
Relocating to Virginia from upstate New York, Jamie Chigos landed a position as a financial analyst within two weeks. How?
从纽约上州到弗吉尼亚,Jamie Chigos在两周内得到了财务分析的工作,她是怎么做到的?
I kept an open mind, sent resumes everywhere and went to every agency whether they were hiring or not, said Chigos.
In addition to applying to as many panies as possible, Chigos tried to be open to a range of opportunities.
People he to be willing to be open-minded about the kinds of positions they want, said Chigos. Instead of going for a specific job, try going to a pany or an employment agency and saying 'This is what I know.' What you know can be applied to a number of different positions.
Answer When Opportunity Knocks
Three years of unemployment didn't prevent Michele (who asked us not to use her last name) from getting a job as a management consultant with a Big Four firm.
She landed her permanent job by accepting a temporary solution. My thinking became short-term. [I asked myself]: How do you survive in this market? she said.
Through a friend, Michele landed a contract position. It wasn't her ideal job, and she was overqualified for the position. But she was willing to work for people who had less experience than she did.
If you're unemployed for a long time, you he to adjust to a new reality. I [was] grateful for the opportunity. ... I worked hard and I made myself indispensable, said Michele.
Michele's attitude and performance in her contract assignment paid off: She now has a permanent job that utilizes her experience and pays her well for it.
Craft a Cover Letter That Stands Out
After graduating from law school, Autumn Leach wanted to find a job quickly. She drafted a cover letter that accentuated her unique experience and made her stand out as a candidate.
从法律学校毕业后,Autumn Leach希望快速找到一份工作。她写了一封求职信强调了她与众不同的经历,这让她在求职者中脱颖而出。
I had the standard entry-level lawyer resume that you he to use, but I used the cover letter to introduce myself more, said Leach.
I mentioned that I'd worked on a political campaign in San Diego. My current boss is running for office in Anchorage, which sparked his interest in me. It was a lucky move that paid off.
Leach is now working as an attorney in Alaska. She credits her cover letter as being key to finding her job.
Don't Neglect Your work
Curtis Potter wasn't even actively seeking full-time work when he was appointed creative director of an advertising agency. He credits his new job to his solid professional work.
在被一家广告公司任命为创意总监的时候,Curtis Potter甚至还没积极的寻找全职工作哪。他把这份新工作归功于他稳定的专业的人脉。
Potter had left his most recent job on good terms and had stayed in touch with his boss when he moved cross-country.
I would visit whenever I went back to the West Coast and he dinner with him when he came to New York, said Potter.
Potter also built a strong work in and around New York City.
A former colleague from a local agency called me and told me about the opening, and I sent my resume in. She talked me up to her bosses and they reviewed my resume. It turned out that they knew my previous employer, said Potter.
I had two strong references going for me -- a former colleague and a former boss. The agency interviewed tons of people, but I think these connections made all the difference, said Potter.
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