[2008年毕业生最挣钱大学排行榜]简介 一、背景介绍 麦可思公司是中国具有第三方公正性的教育数据咨询公司。麦可思公司的创建人王伯庆博士有18年的在中美两国进行教育和就业研究的经验,有一支主要由海 归学...+阅读
It may be a tall order for some women to accept. But shorter females earn less than their loftier colleagues, a study claims.
Those who stand at 5ft8in and above are twice as likely to earn more than ?30,000 a year or up to ?5,000 more than their vertically challenged friends.
身高在5 英尺8 英寸(约1.73 米)或更高的女性年收入在3 万英镑以上的可能性是个子较矮的女性的两倍,或者说年收入比个子较矮的女性多5000 英镑。
The researchers asked 1,461 women over the age of 16 to give details about their salary and measurements. A fifth of those questioned who fell into the tall category said they earned ?30,000 and above pared with 10 per cent of women under 5ft8in.
研究者调查了1461 名年龄在16 岁以上的女性,询问了她们的薪水和身高情况。与10% 身高在5 英尺8 英寸以下的女性相比,被归入高个行列的五分之一的被调查者称她们的年收入在3 万英镑或更高。
At the same time, 20 per cent of the tall women said they saw their height as a source of empowerment and authority pared with just 5 per cent of shorter females.
与此同时,20% 的高个女性称她们将她们的身高视作权利和权威的源泉,而矮个女性只有5% 有这种感受。
And the study revealed that the taller you are, the more fortable you are likely to be with your body. A quarter of women over 5ft8in said they would not change anything about themselves. In contrast, 90 per cent of females in the short category said they were unhappy with their looks.
研究表明,你的个子越高,你对自己的身体就越满意。四分之一身高在5 英尺8 英寸以上的女性表示她们不想改变身体的任何部位。相比之下,被归为矮个行列的 90% 的女性称她们不满意自己的外形。
Research shows that tall people are consistently more successful in the workplace. Not only do they earn more but theyre more likely to be in leadership positions.
As taller people he a downward eyecast when speaking to shorter colleagues, they are instinctively perceived to he authority and confidence.
It means that those who are taller are respected by their colleagues and bosses, giving them a thriving atmosphere that leads them to more success.
高个子的人更幸福Tall people lead happier lives than their more vertically challenged peers, according to a new study which found that most miserable men are almost an inch shor...
六个字提高个人修养一.静 少说话,多倾听。因为爱说话的人,本就失去了一分宁静的美。而且,言多必失。有句话是,三思而后行,三思而后言。即使是网络这个靠语言交流的平台,多言也会让人讨厌的。想说话了...