

11月21日 编辑 fanwen51.com


Prepping for job interviews is the subject of plenty of coaching and advice. But when job interviews turn to juggle-related topics, some questions can catch interviewees pletely unprepared.

Some women readers say they he been asked, What are your child-care arrangements? or Do you plan to he a family any time soon? Author Bob Rosner identifies other toxic questions in his book, The Bosss Survival Guide: I love your accent; where are you from? (This one suggests ethnic or racial discrimination.) When did you graduate from high school? (This one smacks of age discrimination.) Are you currently using birth control? (Again, implies pregnancy discrimination.)

To oid appearing to discriminate based on sex, bosses should stick strictly to job-related queries. Employers with 15 or more employees are covered by federal anti-discrimination law, which makes sex and pregnancy discrimination illegal; a few states, including New York, New Jersey and California, he anti-bias laws covering smaller employers.

Some managers try to startle interviewees into candid revelations about their personal values or philosophy. Ad executive Michael Mathieu told the New York Times that he likes to ask candidates, What is the meaning of life? He said, Its a fun question because no ones expecting it. One of his forite answers, he added, was, Are you talking about my business life or my personal life?

Rather than probing too much, one of my bosses on a previous job many years ago took the opposite tack: He simply stopped talking and stared at the applicant for a minute or more of stony silence. The strategy: To size up candidates poise. Would they jabber senselessly to fill up the silence, pose an intelligent question, or squirm in anxiety?

Meanwhile, nannies seem to be the target of oddball queries from potential employers, as Ive reported previously. Some parents ask nanny candidates, How often do you bathe? or, Do you he a boyfriend? Others say they he been asked if they he sexually transmitted diseases.

Readers, he you been asked surprising or disarming questions in job interviews? Or inappropriate ones? If you he been on the hiring end, what are your forite questions? What do you think is the right boundary against probing too much on personal issues?





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