

11月27日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[常见面试题目分析]经常参加面试的人会发现,许多企业的面试题目都似曾相识。哪些是企业面试常见的题目,题目背后的考察点是什么?弄清这些问题,面试将无往而不胜。 由于面试没有结果以及面试中的各...+阅读


Q: I've been out of the (paid) workforce for a few years, for medical reasons, although I did some volunteer work in my munity during that time. I also started a small business based on a hobby of mine. Now I'm ready to go back to work full time, and I've got appointments for two job interviews. What should I say when asked what I've been doing since my last real job?

A: An interviewer who asks you what you've been doing lately is really asking, What skills he you acquired recently that we might be able to use here? In other words, where you were is less important than what you learned. Your volunteer work probably ge you some experience and insights that you didn't he before, and starting a business (even a small home-based one) is nothing if not educational. So sit down and analyze what you got out of those two activitieswhether it was anizing a fundraising drive, learning how to market a product and deal with difficult customers, or whatever you think might be relevant to the positions you're now seeking. You may be surprised at just how much you did learn during your time away from full-time work, and many skills these days are far more portable than most people think.

Q: Which do you think is better, working for only one manager or reporting to several different people? I work for a PR agency and he been reporting to a different manager for each of three accounts. Now our managing director wants each of us junior people to work with only one manager (to build loyalty, he says). I'm just starting my career, and I'd like to get exposure to many different management styles, rather than knowing how only one person approaches different situations and problems. Do you agree?

A: I do, as it happens, although I doubt your managing director is overly interested in my opinion. Not only early in a career, but all the way through, it can be extremely valuable to he lots of role models to draw upon (including really bad bosses, who can teach you a thing or two about how not to manage). However, if you're now to be limited to one boss, you might consider seeking out exposure to lots of different styles and methods by getting involved in a trade association or professional group.


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