去年年底,27岁的吉米?斯科蒂(Kimmy Scotti)终于毅然采取行动,向她所在的那家纽约市场营销公司的老板提出了加薪和升职要求。最终,她获得了一个新头衔和六位数的薪水。
Late last year, Kimmy Scotti finally took the plunge: She asked her boss for a raise and promotion at the New York marketing firm where she works. In the end, she scored a new title and a six-figure salary.
But nailing the talk took months of preparation. Ms. Scotti made a spreadsheet of her duties and showed how she had actually been doing tasks of the higher-level role for months. The 27-year-old also outlined how shed sed the pany money by switching vendors and renegotiating contracts. She added to the firms coffers by bringing in new clients.
You he to tie yourself back to the bottom line at your own pany, says Ms. Scotti.
With the economy continuing its shaky recovery, 20-something workers may feel that its finally time to ask for that raise or promotion theyve been hoping for. And with some research and planning, they could end up with a new gig or higher pay.
首先,你要弄清楚提出加薪或升职要求是否合理。《薪酬谈判指南:那些从没有人教过你的薪酬谈判秘诀》(Salary Tutor: Learn the Salary Negotiation Secrets No One Ever Taught You)一书的作者吉姆?霍普金森(Jim Hopkinson)指出,如果你在一家公司只工作了几个月时间,在你还没有证明自己价值的情况下,也许最好还是不要开口提要求。
First, youll want to figure out if its reasonable to be asking for a raise or promotion at all. If youve been working at a pany for only a few months, its probably best to not ask if you hent proven yourself yet, says Jim Hopkinson, author of Salary Tutor: Learn the Salary Negotiation Secrets No One Ever Taught You.
If theres something outside of work say, high rent or a big student-loan burden thats driving you to ask for a raise, but you dont feel that your performance merits one, you should hold off. You want to he measurable acplishments you can point to.
如果你确实认为你最近所做的工作理应让你加薪或是升职,那么你要考察一番要求什么样的工资和新职位比较合适。亚特兰大职业教练哈利?克劳福德(Hallie Crawford)说,不要没做好准备就轻易去做这种事。
If you do think your recent work merits a raise or promotion, sleuth out what is appropriate to ask for in terms of pay and new duties. Dont just waltz in there without being prepared, says Hallie Crawford, an Atlanta-based career coach.
If you feel its appropriate, ask mentors or confidantes at work about the typical salary for others in your position and what the usual next step up the career ladder is, says Mr. Hopkinson.
克劳福德建议,如果你正在寻找适当的薪资数额,可以利用像Salary.、Glassdoor.和 Indeed.这样的网站来查找你所处行业各个职位的典型工资水平。Glassdoor或许还会提供你所在公司的薪资信息。
If youre looking for an appropriate salary figure, utilize sites like Salary., Glassdoor. and Indeed. to see the typical salary for positions across your industry, says Ms. Crawford. Glassdoor may he salary information thats specific to your pany.
If youre seeking a new position, read internal job deions and colleagues LinkedIn profiles to see what responsibilities people in the roles directly above you he. Youll want to show your boss that youre already fulfilling some of these responsibilities or that your experience would help you do so in the future, says Ms. Crawford.
If the budget allows, bosses may be willing to promote you to a position thats not advertised as open, she adds, especially if youre already doing most of its tasks though larger panies likely he less flexibility to do this.
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