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When to Raise the Salary Question


Looking for a job is a lot like dating. When youre being wooed, you dont want to say or do anything that could cause your romance to go awry. When youre interviewing with an employer, you dont want to do or say anything to derail the process.


One of the most delicate points in the process is certainly salary. Broaching the topic at the wrong time could cost you the job -- or thousands of dollars.


A survey developed by financial staffing firm Accountemps revealed that 30% of hiring mangers felt it was appropriate to inquire about salary during the first in-person interview. But like every job seeker, every situation is unique.

金融人力资源公司Accountemps开展的一项调查 显示30%的招聘经理都认为在第一次面试中就询问薪资问题是恰当的。但是就像每个求职者都各不相同一样,各种情况也是不同的。

Yahoo! HotJobs asked 10 careers experts, When is the best time to talk dollars and cents? The answers are:

Yahoo! HotJobs询问了10位职场专家什么时候是谈薪资问题的最佳时机?答案如下:

When the time feels right ... for you or the interviewer.


The bottom line is that there is no exact perfect time. You need to gaugethe flow of the conversation and the flow of the interview process. Certainly, though, dont raise the issue in the first 15 minutes of an interview.

-- Hallie Crawford, career coach


--职业教练Hallie Crawford

Its important to let the employer bring up the topic of salary, so sit tight and let them lead the way. You want them to he as much time to fall in love with you before you talk money.

-- Daisy Swan, career strategist and founder of Daisy Swan Associates


------Daisy Swan Associates公司的创始人、职业策划家Daisy Swan

No later than the second interview.


If you wait too long to broach salary, youll lose the only leverage youll ever he in that conversation. My suggestion is to bring it up when youre invited for a second interview. You can inquire over the phone or email about a salary range, or you can inform a hiring manager that youre focusing solely on jobs in a particular pensationrange.

-- Liz Ryan, a leading workplace advisor and founder of AskLizRyan.


-----AskLizRyan.的创建人,也是工作顾问的领军人物Liz Ryan。

I coach my clients to ask about salary in the second interview if it hasnt been brought up already. If you let the second interview go by without asking, you are waiting too long. This could easily send a message that you dont know how to negotiate, or that you are afraid of standing up for yourself.

-- Lauren Milligan, resume and outplacement advisor at ResuMayDay


-----ResuMayDay的简历专家、新职介绍专家Lauren Milligan

After youve e to an understanding.


The best time to begin discussing salary is after you are sure the hiring manager understands your value to the pany. Also, be sure to apply for positions that match your skill set and experience level. Salary tends to bee more of an issue when you are overqualified for a job and your expectations do not meet reality.

-- Rahul D. Yodh, staffing and executive search at Link Legal Search


----Link Legal Search公司的人力资源经理Rahul D. Yodh

Never talk money until you fully understand the opportunity. If you are negotiating for a car and the very first thing you start talking about is price, then the other side knows you dont care at all about features -- you care only about price. When you do discuss salary, the research suggests that the first one to put out a number does better in the negotiation. This strategyis not without its risks, obviously.



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