
职场英语:Collaborative Principled Negotiation2

12月12日 编辑 fanwen51.com


of the involved parties are contradictory, an objective criterion should be applied to.

1. System of collaborative principled negotiation


1.1 Four fundamental principles

It is very important to view each other as cooperators rather than adversaries in international business negotiation. The process of negotiation is not simply considered as peting but mutual municating and seeking for mon development. Otherwise, they will attack and blame each other, protect and defend habitually each partys utmost interests and make no concession, which would inevitably lead negotiation into impasse or failure. Instead, they should stand side by side to generate mutual gain and improve their relationship. The interest---based approach of collaborative principled negotiation advocates four fundamental principles of negotiation: 1) separate the people from the problem; 2) focus on interests not positions; 3) invent options for mutual gain; 4) insist on objective criteria.

1.1.1 Separating the people from the problems

Every negotiation has two basic ponents: people and problems. Separating the people from the problems means separating the relationship issues (e.g. perceptions, emotions, munication, reliability and so on ) from the substantive issues (e.g. terms, dates, figures and so on ) and dealing with each set of issues on its own merits, dont make substantive concessions in the hope of improving relations.

Human beings are not puters. We are imperfectly skilled in munication, we perceive the actions and words of others differently and we are creatures of long memories and strong emotions. Emotions, personalities, feelings and so on bee entangled in the substance of the problem. And so we will tend to take responses to the issues as personal attacks.

Its generally understood that in negotiations problems will be discussed and resolved if talks are going on in a friendly and sincere atmosphere. Unfortunately more often than not high tension is build up due to negotiators prejudice against the other partys intention. It is conceivable that negotiations would be directed to personal disputes and both sides say something hurting each other when such prejudice or misunderstanding exists. As a result negotiators personal feeling is mingled with interests and events to be discussed. For example, you may feel very unfortable when your counterpart appears arrogant and superior, so you probably throw out something to knock off his arrogance, which may further irritate him and make him take retaliation action. The focus of negotiation is shifted from interests and issues of both parties to personal dignity and selfrespect, thus the attacks and quarrels end up with nothing. In other cases your counterpart may misunderstand your intention and openly show his emotion when you make ments on his opinion and events he has described.

People problems often mainly tend to involve problems of perception, emotion, and munication. Perceptions are important because they define the problem and solution. While there is an objective reality, the reality is interpreted differently by different people in different situations. When different parties he different understandings of their dispute, effective negotiation may be difficult to achieve. This is what we he been calling framing problemsthe problems that people see or define a situation differently, depending on who they are and what their situations are. So it is crucial for both sides to understand the others viewpoints. There are seven basic ways for handling the problems of perception.

First, try to see the situation from your opponents perspective. The parties should try to put themselves in the shoes of the other to understand that parts constraints of the situation. You dont he to aGREe with their perceptions of the situation. But it is important to understand what they think and feel, and why they think and feel as they do.

Second, dont deduce your opponents intentions from your own fears. It is mon to assure that your opponent plans to do just what you fear they will do. This sort of suspicious attitude makes it difficult to accurately perceive your opponents real intentions; whatever they do you will assure the worst.

Third, oid blaming your opponent for the problem. Blame, even if it is deserved, will only make your opponent defensive. Even worse, your opponent may attack you in response. Blame is generally counter--productive.

更多negotiation范文尽在s: career-english.fanwen51./


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